For this time of year - no. Tornadoes usually happen in the spring, not the dead of winter. They also occur in the fall, now, but that’s a relatively new thing - only in the last 20 years or so has it become a regular ‘tornado season’.

Yes, I know. He was probably furious. If he hits her, then he definitely did it for this. If he doesn’t, then he railed against her for hours, before giving her the silent treatment for a very long time. I bet his post-anger retaliation was glorious in its evilness. Those motherfuckers can wait months before striking

Narcissists in general have trouble wearing wedding rings, in my experience. It signifies there’s someone else in their life on equal footing, which they absolutely reject.

When I decided to leave my husband I still didn’t understand how bad it had been. I knew I had to get out or he was going to quite literally drive me into a madhouse with his gaslighting, but I still didn’t GET it. My sister had her own ex, who I despised. She told me ‘your husband is 10 times worse than my ex.’ She

Yes! That was the first time that I thought this. It’s exactly something I would have done. I think it was a mistake that the speech writer used the exact words, but only because I also think Melania told her to use those words without explaining why. Writer should have checked it out, made sure it wasn’t plagarized,

Complicated. I have not gone no-contact. I struggle with the idea of doing so almost daily. She is not as far on the spectrum as either Trump or my ex. She isn’t quite as bad as my grandmother was. She had six children, three golden children, three scapegoats. Only one golden child doesn’t really understand how sick

Billy Bush was fired, rightly. I think suspension is fine. She’s a public figure. She should be held to a higher standard or we are no better than Limbaugh’s fans.

As the ex-wife and daughter of a narcissist, this, more than anything, tells me she is in NPD hell. I haven’t seen this opinion anywhere, so I’m probably alone with this idea, but I dropped my jaw when I found out that was her platform. It resonates so strongly with what I was and what I did during the marriage.

This is gaslighting perfection. Really.

See my statement above.

While your first point is very, very true, your second is really stupid, and does nothing to help the very true argument. Texas is the only state to still operate under their angrily made Reconstruction constitution. They gave the governor no power, because it was going to be a ‘Yankee’ appointed position until they

I think he believes it. I think his belief in that is what compelled him to run for the Presidency in the first place. I’m not sure he’s right, but I do believe he honestly does.

Whatever his army of maids are using to clean it?

Yes, but England doesn’t call George Washington a Great Brit.

The HSA only works well if you’re relatively healthy and stay that way. I get so mad when my brother talks about those.

A close second, I’ll give you that, but I still prefer the G2. I might just be because I used the G2 first though.

Oh, man. That’s true. One of my favorite purses has a giant red blob on the inside. Luckily it stayed inside, so I can use the bag.

Everyone who actually uses pens a lot (and I do, since I’m in design) knows that the G2's are literally the only one that matters.

I almost hate to point this out, but it’s actually two Representatives and one Senator, which makes three Congressmen. I do wish that she had made the distinction because it’s unprecedented that a Senator would testify against another Senator.

It’s called gaslighting. It’s incredibly mentally taxing and when taken over a lifetime, it’s a truly insidious form of mental abuse, I’m sorry to say. My mother is a gaslighter.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting