Meh. He’s not really popular in the city. New Yorkers think he’s a schmuck. His reputation of being stingy, rude and a bum when it comes to paying his bills is known citywide.

Nah. New Yorkers never loved him. He may believe so, but nope.

I hope Pizza Rat sneaks in the penthouse and drops a pepperoni turd on his face while he sleeps.

Trump was pushed to condemn the white supremacist terrorists; he waited an obscenely long time to do so after shamefully equivocating Saturday. And then, once the populace forced his hand, complained that he was not receiving enough credit for having done the right thing.

She reminds me exactly of Joan Crawford, which I mean as high praise. She has a merciless, laser-precise plan for her career and her image and she did not come here to play. You better believe she is a solid gold bitch with her eyes on the prize and she does. not. blink.
I’m not remotely a fan, and she’s absolutely

Her poise while on the stand was amazing. All her years and years of training and ability to bring it to the the stage regardless of whatever was going on internally was invaluable in this case. I could care less for her music or desire to promote herself, her squad and all American lifestyle, but she was likely the

Eh. She was silent during the election and stays silent politically which I think is bullshit. I guess this is a step in the right direction but I find her deeply irritating, disingenuous, and saccharine. And I hate her music.

“Swift said in a statement following the verdict that she would donate an unspecified amount of money to unspecified organizations that aid in the defense of sexual assault victims.”

I also didn’t care for her one way or another, to me she seems really calculating in her self-promotion. This however, has revealed a maturity I would have seriously doubted a month ago. I still won’t be listening to her music, but I’ll scowl less at her People magazine covers in the grocery aisle.

Nah, they’ll call her fat, plus she had her naked photos stolen, so she’s a slut. AFAIK, Taylor Swift *was* the Official Aryan Darling, but I’m guessing the lawsuit put her into “feminazi legbeard” category. I’m sure her heart is absolutely broken.

Good for jlaw. These bigots must be exposed.

I think it’s a sure bet to say most of them salivated over the fappening and made intensive use of her nude pictures. *barf*

I was neutral on Taylor Swift prior to this lawsuit. I now have a newfound respect for her. She acknowledges she has the privilege and bank account to fight. Her $1 settlement is an enormous win for all of us women who have been sexually assaulted (which sadly, is most women).

I wonder how many of those white supremacist, neo-nazis idolized and are hot for Jennifer Lawrence as the ideal woman of the master race. I hope they see her post.

production hours are insane and dangerous, I’ve made stupid mistakes while driving home from a 14 hr day. Long hours and stressful environments lead to sloppy mistakes that could have been prevented with a fresh pair of eyes

I’m still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that we are living in a world without Prince and Bowie. It just seems crazy that they’re gone.

LOL seriously? I’d have more respect for these assholes if they at least stood by their beliefs. Dude, you showed up to a racist rally, with like riot gear meant to hurt people. No one is going to believe you accidentally wandered in their because you got drunk at TGIFridays. At least own it.

“You are literally the person in the photo.”

Cvjetanovic said:

So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?