Trump is president. If people fell for that shit I have little hope something like Scientology will go away soon. People seem to believe up is down, left is right, black is white...

This is what NYC rats look like

I have a 6 week old who sleeps in a separate room and if she coos softly, I wake up immediately. They either had to be high as fuck or they left that baby alone for hours. Fuck them.

I wouldn’t be able to run fast enough if I saw a rat, let alone one that jumped into a stroller.

That’s exactly what it is. It’s the classic male “can’t you take a joke? Here! You can take a potshot at me to help your sensitive feefees.”

Holy shit. I’m guessing the parents were having a little heroin nap

You are correct, friend! From the Facebook post:

If there is real change, she may be seen as a pioneer, and it could increase her chances of a better position.

To be honest, I think that it was his way of saying “I am part of a marginalised, oppressed people, too!”

like no time at all.

Also impressive: that the apology was actually worse than the original statement (which was bad enough).

I can’t believe that he made an apology that was just as offensive as his initial email. I think that we just found Trump’s next Communications Director.

Omg now I can’t unhear this hahahaha

So, lemme get this straight: to apologize for his misogyny, he goes straight to homophobia and anti-Semitism? And this, in his mind, is better somehow?

I’m mostly impressed that he managed to offend pretty much every single marginalized group: women, Jews, LGBTQ, etc. While it isn’t here, I’m sure dude has said a few things about POC, too.

Didn’t expect that, though. What a smorgasbord of awfulness and hate.

It’s always nice when men respond to professional workplace requests with threats of sexual violence./s

I’m sort of way more disturbed by “we can play nazi death camp” because that shit is super fucked.

YAAAA he is really not sorry.