Get off your high horse. That magical $4 will be split amongst several people, including the bus boy. Whatever is left over will not determine if their rent is paid, etc. How do I know? I’ve worked in the service industry for over a decade. That server is lucky they haven’t been fired yet.

I really have no idea. I wasn’t there.

Totally agree. If she racked up a huge bill and ran the server or bartender ragged and didn’t leave a tip, it would be a totally different conversation. But this is a $24 bill at a NY bar, which is like 2 drinks.

A bartender at a place Jenner would go probably makes bank slinging those overpriced cocktails. Bartending can be very lucrative, crappy hours tho. Anyway, there’s zero evidence that a tip wasn’t left. This whole thing is very dumb and many of these “post receipt to social media to spark outrage” stories end up being

Unless she tipped way hard and left like a $50-$100 bill for her server (who then didn’t want to claim/share the windfall) and is getting raked for it.

I’m inclined to agree, and I’ve waited tables for 20 years. Even if she straight-up didn’t tip, this is really petty. Save the outrage for when she doesn’t tip on a big check. I mean $5, come on. They are totally only doing this for social media attention.

I have a friend who worked in tv production, as did many of her friends as well. They all RAVED about the Kardashian clan, and how respectful and polite and appreciative they always were to everyone, regardless of how low on the totem pole they were.

They’re trying to appeal to blase hipster faux activists who think hating celebrities means they’re doing something.

Over $4. This is about the tip. She paid her tab.

Who gonna want to go to a bar that’s this aggressive when you don’t tip $5? Or tip in cash?

this... jeeezuz. What is that bill - lunch? 2 drinks? Zero interest in defending K or anyone else, but in this case the establishment is a full dick for ever posting that. Tiny bill, a million possibilities and wow... crying righteous over $5.

Honestly? Fuck that bar.

Even if she didn’t tip, this just gives me a bad vibe about the bar. It wasn’t a $1,000 tab. Give me a break.

Seriously, a 20% tip is $5. This is a lot of fuss over $5.

Seems like a shitty business for throwing your (famous) customer under the bus over $24 dollars.

“Come here and not tip and we’ll make a federal case about it!”

Why is this such a big deal? Even if she didn’t tip, the bar missed out on $4. That’s it. It was a low $ tab and now I’m kind of hoping she didn’t tip at all. Why are you making me side with her???

why is lexilex making kardashian possessive?

Baby was hit one more time.

Pretty stupid of Baby’s. Whether or not she tipped on a $24 bill, you can’t prove she didn’t pay in cash, and it only comes across as petty and vindictive. Not that anyone really cares—mountain out of a molehill.