No - the idea is one way to bring about change is to demonstrate the issue to those (like myself - and maybe you -for example) who are privileged and still overwhelmingly in power who do not experience the same on a regular basis. Only through this (very mild) inconvenience can those otherwise unaffected potentially

When men need to pay a quarter every time they need to get toilet paper in a public restroom, maybe i’ll give a shit what you think.

I think having people feel that way over a cup of coffee they could avoid should probably make make them consider how people who deal with this in the workplace feel about it. Look at how they freak out about a cup of coffee when they claim women overreact to it in their actual job.

Once in a while (within the last 6 months) it’s just really nice to read about first children dealing with normal people stuff instead of reading about first children selling out to Russia.

Putting this out there in advance of the guys thinking this is an unfair “man tax”.

Because she’s Obama’s perfect daughter with a two year pattern of underage binge drinking and drug use at the tail end of a “gap year” – just lost her phone at a music festival where folks get drunk & high for 4 days.

But she’ll be the only Harvard student I won’t scowl at.

because Page Six clicked publish, and then i clicked publish

if I was one of their ex-staffers... it’d be forever. I’d drop everything and hurry over to help any of the Obamas if they ask.

because we all love and miss the Obamas, thank you very much.

Right, me too. Just seeing a mere mention of the Obamas on the news make me a whole lot better. I’m soooooooo bloody tired of the worthless Trumps, goddamnit.

I would bail on brunch to help the Obamas for something as trifling as a phone ID, too. Malia is a national treasure!

I’d rather follow a fan account. An actual fan. One that blows air.

Joanna will be 65 and her grandkids will Google her and see old ass blurbs about their mammy’s tuna can puss. Brandi won the battle and the war.

to be honest, I don’t think she was lying. Brandi has been brutally frank and said a lot of private details which got her in trouble (examples: her father was a drug dealer who sold weed in his neighborhood, her sister was sexually molested as a kid, and she admitted to having threesomes with her husband in a closed

i just want to know how much joanna got!

“actor” Eddie Cibrian

Joanna Krupa is an idiot for dragging out this lawsuit for years. Now everyone knows her as that model/housewife with the stinky fishy-smelling pussy. If she had ignored it, nobody would remember those comments about her vagina.

This is the perfect encapsulation of everything wrong in the general population right now.