The fact it was the EU, who for years dumped keep grain on Africa, who helped cause other countries instability for the sake of cheaper farm tariffs at home, flaring up the refugee and economic migrant crises, is overlooked.
The fact it was the EU, who for years dumped keep grain on Africa, who helped cause other countries instability for the sake of cheaper farm tariffs at home, flaring up the refugee and economic migrant crises, is overlooked.
How come they’re not popular anymore? I’m not aware of any fuck-ups since Harry’s infamous Nazi dress up, but that was years ago and I was under the impression that he made up for it with his military service and civic activism for veterans.
Can’t we have Tom Brady instead?
It’s impossible to edit comments here after 15 minutes or so. Oh, if only they would switch to DISQUS or some other comment system that doesn’t suck donkey balls.
Solidarity is for the plebs.
They do have to make a living, too.
It gets very little coverage around here, given that its the third largest economy in Africa. The South African economy seems to be in some kind of trouble in recent years, judging from a quick glance at their GDP statistics.
I think Britons just never saw the EU as anything more than a quid pro quo, tit for tat arrangement - unlike the original founding members of the ECSC, who really believe in the utopian promise of a “United States of Europe” someday and actually want to proceed towards that federation of states.
He was a great character and really provided Rygel with the first opportunity to show that he was, indeed, a dominar - and not just a greedy little slug.
Army of corgis gave me a chuckle.
I don’t know enough about the present-day political situation in South Africa to comment on that. Are you from South Africa?
He’s deplorable, so he perfectly represents those 70 million Americans who are also deplorables.
He’s the kind of man who’d have to pay people in advance to attend his funeral later, so yes, that’s a reasonable assumption.
Not since Germany in 1914 have prosperous developed nations shot themselves so gleefully in their feet for no real reason than Americans and Brits did last year.
The Queen doesn’t permit herself to die until Charles is so old and fragile that he has to abdicate the throne in favor of William.
Not really surprising, they are heavy on the celebrity gossip and style/fashion coverage and that’s what women want to read.
Naturally, you can’t read those lines without Homer’s voice and tune in your head.
It seriously looks like a college newspaper.
American liberals.
Amanda Palmer has said all about the Daily Mail that needs to be said.