I wouldn’t be surprised at all if they started building concentration camps after another 9-11. The Nazi regime was precipitated by a decades long campaign of anti-semitism, they didn’t pop up overnight. There’s a long history of racism among American conservatives, and it has certainly intensified over the last

Hence why they’re pining for that end times battle with ISIS.

Time dilation. Notice how fast those little fuckers are?

Now playing

Let us hope they never evolve into the Brain.

He’s been trying to optimize his chances for a 2020 run for a while now, hasn’t he? At least that’s the layman’s impression I got of him.

Didn’t Cuban just shittalk Griffin?

I think it’s amazing that major sports teams can just pack up and go to another city in the US.

I’m probably among the minority of people who enjoyed the Angelina Jolie movies. I re-visited them last year and they’ve held up better than many other action films form the turn of the century - reasonably few scenes with bad CGI, decent stuntwork, some gorgeous sets - as adventure flicks go, they’re pretty decent.

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

Isn’t that the quintessence of Conservativism though? They’re simultaneously tough, rugged alpha-males and persecuted snowflakes, whatever is needed in any given situation to look righteous.

Germany has no means to dispose of its nuclear waste - and neither has France. That alone rules out “the nuclear” as a safe and sustainable power source.

He was elected by 46% of the population. That’s 13% more than Hitler received and we still constantly get shit for the fucker 72 years after his death.

Well, he has already tripled the number of civilians murdered by American drone strikes compared to his already murderous predecessor, so he’s certainly off to a good start. 9 weeks down, 200 more to go in his Presidency.

As a German I recognize with horror that the Republicans actually out-evil the NSDAP in many aspects. Yes, they lack the genocidal mania that also distinguished ordinary fascist regimes like Franco’s Spain from the Third Reich, but on the other hand, the hatred of the Nazis was narrowly focused on a few small groups

At some point the rest of the world has to come to the realization that the United States poses a threat to the survival of our species - and deal with it accordingly.

Who even needs a state department these days.

The AT-STs are even worse than the AT-ATs when you think about it - four legs at least gives you more stability than two legs, which minimizes the threat of the unit going defunct when it’s being toppled over - as the Ewoks do by releasing a few tree stumps.

It’s not that far-fetched actually - Donald Trump wants more aircraft carriers for that same reason.

Bond somewhat crawled out of that hole of silly supervillains though, with the Daniel Craig reboot. It’s no surprise that the worst film of the Craig quadrology is the failed rehash of a classic Connery supervillain - Spectre.

And where does the First Order get the resources for things like Mega-AT-AT’s and Starkiller Base?