Nevertheless, She Persisted

Thanks for outing yourself as a dick. That kind of shit is not cool or funny at all.

LOL, I respect your dedication to troll. You got me good.

This is amazing. It’s like I’m watching the Human Centipede, but in troll form.

...Which, now that I think about it, was just the Human Centipede.

I thought everyone knew she was going to win last time? I’m guessing this was you on election night:

Ok this sucks, but Splinter has been alarmingly quiet on the Russia stuff. There was the novichok post, but I really hope you’re doing more about the grimy GOP senators who visited Russia July 4th.

This is solid trolling. I’m dong my best to pull you out of the grays

Troll rating: 9.5/10

Holy Shit

This prosecutor’s statement is wildly ignorant.