but he just wants to dance!
but he just wants to dance!
I'm honestly way more excited to watch the movie Sherpa coming out in October than I am this. The Sherpas have always been much more fascinating to me in regards to the history of Everest than the people wealthy enough to pay someone to drag them up the mountain.
so that's what happened to former Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon after the 1985 Super Bowl
"“Capiche”? You’re associating Italian-Americans to intimidation tactics? You better watch your microaggressions, bro."
Mr. Feeny in Boy Meets World.
I hope they focus at least a bit on the fact that Hall and Fischer essentially killed themselves just to try and keep their upstart guide companies afloat.
I dread the day they rip off Dickachu's, "It can be two things"
The A.V. Club stole my "something something" bit!
what a coincidence considering that's where most of Singers films belong
“Correct me if I'm wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers, they're gonna lock me up and throw away the key.”
I was referencing Blow. maybe you forgot about that one, I don't know. I don't read minds. I'm just an F.B.I. agent with a bum knee after all
Ephraim Goodweather directs
hey cool, Johnny Depp just made another film about another criminal piece of shit for an entirely new generation to fall in love with. what a guy!
I don't think I have ever loved a band as much as I do The 'Mats. From the infamous SNL performance to Bob Stinson to everything they did really. "Little Mascara" is my all time favorite song of theirs. it's just so damn biting and, to this day, I can't not sing along to it when I hear it.
Got Em!
like most people, The A.V. Club ignored this show because it is on USA and then, like most people, watched in wide-eyed bewilderment as a show this good played on USA
about the same as Dan Rathers
if they name the departmental captain, Captain Oats, I'll watch every fucking episode. so help me god
go away