100% Utah!

watching this just reminds me of why i get so pissed when the media tries to marginalize this man when he answers questions honestly or speaks his mind. i know it's said a lot and it has become cliched but this country could really use more men (and women) in politics like Joe Biden.

I don't know if there exists a larger insult in the comedic world than that of being mistaken for Chris Kattan.

up voted for Rime of The Ancient Mariner reference and Disney money.

she didn't. i wish she had, but she didn't

very good points and that's why I think Page should have done her research. she allowed him to make himself seem sensible when we all know he is a card carrying lunatic. Colbert is razor sharp though and I think more than qualified to hold his own. I'm looking forward to it.

hopefully Colbert can troll Cruz a little bit better than Ellen Page did.

fuck black Bond. we just got black Indiana Jones! woohoo!

this is going to kill.

just as Shyamalan bent the air, so shall I bend the rules.

Colbert is wayyy too street to ever hope to play Bond now

i'm not proud of myself but someone has to do it.

M. Night Shamalamadingdong

this is truly a great show. Wagner Moura is amazing.

Lenny Bruce is not afraid. that's really all that matters

Farley was a speedball addict and David Spade can't stand the light

Uh-oh, overflow, population, common group
But it'll do, save yourself, serve yourself
World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed
Tell me with the Rapture and the reverent in the right, right
You vitriolic, patriotic, slam fight, bright light
Feeling pretty psyched

with Hicks, the term mercurial comes to mind

is no one at the A.V. Club going to do anything about the very obvious cyber crime being committed in this comment section every week?

this article has nothing to do with the atrocities being committed by ISIS. this article has everything to do with a self-righteous bigot defying a court order and the Constitution and then grabbing her bible as her bullshit defense.

hey, come on. if it wasn't for the Bears, Jay Cutler would have never been the cosmic punchline he has become. you're welcome NFC North. we did that.