Michelle, you always deliver! This is a great idea.
Michelle, you always deliver! This is a great idea.
Hands down you are my favorite Kinja writer. These articles are great for us parents.
This can be a problem for people with long hair. I find my wife’s hair on my kids all the time. Luckily never wrapped around a digit.
I am in New York City and I have seen one person wearing a hoodie. I am not sure what shoes he was wearing. Could have been BBB shoes. It was in Brooklyn. It is possible that they are not selling in volume but the price is high enough that the margins are great. Nothing wrong with building their own brand.
Final Fantasy Tactics; Shadow of the Colossus;MGS3:Snake Eater
B.Ash, does Tokyo have traffic? In all the pictures I see there is never a high density of cars.
Why do I not see blue eggs in supermarkets? Are they just used in food industry?
So good. So damn good. I feel like this dovetails Prince’s “Kiss”.
Growing up, my family had a really good toaster oven. We eventually got a microwave. I actually miss using a toaster oven. we toasted bread, cooked, and reheated food.
This is such a master class on freestyle, off the dome rapping.
I wonder how much she would spend if she enjoyed the game fully?
I just love Jessica Williams...swoon...<3
Gen 1 or go home.
I will now furiously Google how to re-watch Big O! I have not seen that cool show in a while.
I have to buy the FF12 remastered. I think that will be my Xmas present.
Nice Chris. Too bad FF6 and FF12 are the best FF games. Just kidding, I will read your book.
Shadow of the Colossus is a classic. They will remake and re-release this game endlessly. There is something special about SotC.
Give me a Rockstar Table Tennis remake or sequel on PS4. Damn you Jesper!
Such a crunchy synth.... https://airwolfthemes.com/
Mega Man X was my first Mega Man game. I never bought Mega Man for the NES.