
I have a friend named Godfrey. He is 50 years old so no Elden Ring influence. It is a name , just not popular.

How did we only get one game like “Bully” ? 

27.9 million units of Zelda :Tears ?

New Zelda looks like the last Zelda which to me was not like the old Zelda. I enjoyed BOTW but not sure we need another. 

I have never made the HeadMasters >> P0Rn connection. I am sure this is a thing because INTERNET!

I did not gender my “you” in my comment. My comment is universal, public toplessness in NYC is mostly ignored with some looks but no sexual response from the mostly everyone. It seen mainly as a political statement in NYC when we see it.

Nobody told him to level up like this. Who knew people were pumping this level of money into a free game? Why play the game? There is nothing to do in game that requires this.

This looks better than Ps1/2 era games. I think it looks great.

NYC has a topless equality rule so anywhere a man can be topless a woman can as well. This rarely is what you may think it would be like. 

Don’t understand why they would remake these games. Rockstar’s Table Tennis remake/sequel is the only game non-GTA 6 / GTA Online game they should be developing. GTA Online make so much money that doing anything else is madness.

You made an error and wrote FFV...you meant FFVI now that is the best Final Fantasy. 

There is an actuary somewhere that did the numbers and this is the product. Sad to see Nathan Drake get  hung out like this. Most people will see Holland and say “Oh another Spider-Man!?”. They did not want this to be successful from the start.

I am calling fake on the whole thing. Nobody with any sense buys something without checking it out. Especially, for $3.5 million. I would need X-rays or something to prove it was what you say it is.

Good Looking people on TV has always been a thing. If you are on TV your going to be judged, sexualized ,etc. People think Pete Davidson is sexy?!? I think the framing of the shows (sets, wardrobe, camera angles) sexualize actors more than the audience feedback.

I support her statement, hopefully G4 Execs listen. G4 used to lean into the horn-dog factor. You can’t shame the audience for serving up immature antics and expect mature responses.

I never played it. It seemed obtuse the art style is jarring and in retrospect it was ahead of its time. I watched Cuthbert play some of the game and it began to gel what the game loop was. Now this kind of game should do well if promoted correctly. Mobile/PC/Console.

This is the most Metal Gear La-Li-Le-La-Lo shit that could have happened! MGS2 +MGS4 all is all about information control and controlling the narrative. It would be amazing if Kojima purposely did not renew the rights....!!

Chinatown Wars had a port of DrugWars right in the game as the drug dealing mechanic. Drugwars was originally an MS-DOS program created by John E. Dell in 1984. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_Wars_(video_game)

Sony sent me an invitation to buy a PS5. It was a personal link in my inbox. I had to log in my PSN account and purchase. Free shipping because of PS+. It came from the PlayStation Store. I gave the console to my friend who wanted one for his daughter. 

I watched the entire show and thought the jokes were on par with his humor and he did not promote harm to transgender people. He has an opinion and he expressed it with some biting humor, but that is his style. If transgender want to be normalized and included, comedians will make jokes about them. They make jokes