
I just flushed a bowl full of everything niggers are entitled to, but will certainly have some more in the morning if the she-boon sow is looking for what humans owe niggers. 

Fuck you shitskin. You are nothing but a subhuman primate and never will be anything better than that. The 3/5th compromise was a terrible thing, there has never been a nigger who was 60 percent human. 

This shitbeast couldn’t even knock out a drunk crackhead looking turd with a cheap shot. Fucking NIGGER is lucky he didn’t try his monkey shines again a real human.

Black kids are also 100 percent more likely to be fucking niggers, and 95 percent more likely to commit violent crimes. If they based the statistics on crime and not race, black people would be significantly underrepresented in the amount of kids shot, know what I'm sayin N shit 

My nomination for white person of the year is also Derek Chauvin. He accomplished more by kneeling for 9 minutes than old Krapernick has accomplished in his useless nigger life. Can't wait until he gets off and niggers burn their ghettos down again, known what I'm sayin N shit.

I just flushed all the reperations niggers are entitled to down the toilet. But don't fear, there will be a fresh pile in the morning. All I need is an address to send it to. 

Fuck you shitskin. 

Very few things bring a smile to my face like knowing another fucking nigger is off to get his batwings. Rot in hell nigger 

Shouldn't this teacher instead be celebrating that Pink Floyd has never been drug free this long, hasn't committed a home invasion in months, and is being a more productive citizen now as worm food than he ever was in his life. 

Here's hoping this fucking nigger earns his bat wings sooner than later and heads off to dead nigger storage asap. A human might need that bed space, time to hit the eject button on this monkey 

What stinks is the nigger. That stench is unmistakable. Second, who gives a shit. His nigger life wasn't worth a pinch of shit, and wasn't going to be any time in the future. 

This one is past the years of plugs blowing out of the heads. Just the opposite actually, plugs on these models get practically welded into the head with carbon due to their design. There are several different styles of tools available to remove broken ones when you snap them. 

The reason the countries on this list are nice, have good education and low crime is because no niggers live there. Do you shitskins have to try and destroy every country on earth. Know niggers no peace, no niggers know peace. Niggers don't want to live with other niggers, what's the first thing a chocolate monkey

You should think about moving to the bottom of the ocean. I hear it’s real nice down there, no jobs, no white people, no popos be capping lil nigtavious N shyt, no what I’m sayin

I just checked rock auto, and they have 6 head gasket options with a felpro listed for $3.94. Car-part.com has 4 pages of transmissions, reman ones for 1500 and 100,000 mile used ones for 250. I think someone will be ok

Yes I have, and this thing is front wheel drive so your statement is rather irrelevant. 

They should have killed this nigger at birth 

Michael Harriot was never a human being. He was a subhuman primate from the second his disease ridden shebeast of a mother shit him out, and on the glorious day he gets his bat wings and burns in hell he will die a subhuman primate shitskin. The 3/5th compromise was the worst mathematical equation off all time, no

Fucking niggers. You shit beasts want to try and blame everyone else, when fucking niggers is all that needs to be said here. It's easier for you to believe the entire white race planned this than the fact that one nigger shot at the popo and a bunch of other monkeys chimped out? The only thing you ferral apes ever

Burn in hell nigger.