suki priced cooper's waterhouse

Yup, and I can’t fault the acting at all. The cinematography is stunning, as is everything else visual. It’s fascinating in that it is a movie where everyone knows what they’re doing, but there’s no meaning behind the surface.

Lol, what a coincidence ;-) but, I don’t follow either of them closely enough to know the titles of most of their songs or videos. It’s just that this seemed  unnecessary  when there are ways to say it like you did: the comparison is moot: they’re both pop artists but put the accent on different elements in their

.......agreed.....she might as well have said, “Madonna is a pleasant sexagenarian”........

Thanks. I will watch it.

Pfft, you think the bare minimum is required around here, don’t you?

I agree; had Gaga stopped at:

Counterpoint: almost everyone votes against their own self-interests, it’s just that with the GOP base the gap between their interests and what they vote for is especially wide.


Yeah, sad to say but after reading this piece’s re-working of the incident, I knew exactly who had written it, without needing to look at the byline. Sigh.

Apparently threatening to stab a women in the face or neck with a glass, then attempting to actually do so, is better than being a little condescending to a women who tried to smash someone with a glass. Also as a person who has had many fights happen at family dinners, I don’t think people get how wild it can get all

I was actually shocked when she wrote a article a few days ago saying she didn’t care about Colin Kaepernick and his current protests until she saw he had a fro.

The Inspector says “nyo”

Still only the second worst thing to happen to Kim on a night vision cam.

You’re literally incapable of placing the blame on Azealia, aren’t you? I realize that your objectivity goes out the window when a story involves a fellow black woman, but this is just pathetic, Kara.

Just not sure why RZA is so quick to defend a man who would do that to a person who, from the sounds of it, has some issues a white man.

Azealia Banks is a black woman, so Kara Brown automatically felt the knee-jerk need to defend her. If you look at Kara’s history of articles, it’s obvious that she is obsessed with race, to the point of being really one-dimensional and predictable as a writer. I realize it’s a lie when people say “I don’t see race,”

I was replying to an update about this story, and made a comment about it. It’s all bad, including Azealia’s behaviour...

She’s lucky all she got was spit. If someone was in my house, threatening to cut someone with a glass, I would knock them the fuck out. I don’t care if it’s a woman— if you threaten someone in my house, you get punched.

He spat “at” her, but missed. And this was after Azalea threatened to assault this girl, got the glass, tried to assault her but was blocked by Russell, got expelled from the room, and then tried to enter it again.

look at how they have covered the DRose one. Just presented the facts and followed the case. That is how you do it. Not like this.