suki priced cooper's waterhouse

This one sucked all around to read. But, this case remains a good example of why I’m extremely skeptical of the “Believe every accusation made and never question anything” modern progressive stance on sexual assault allegations. Erdely followed that theory to a T. It’s just ripe for unscrupulous people to take

In fairness my image is neither crafted nor polished, and I don’t really want to be associated with Kim or the Kardashian brand, either.

Which group will have the soon to be outed gay guys?

And I feel like the argument that women should not wear make up is anti-feminist

I think much of beauty advertising relies on a false premise – that women need to be treated in an infantile way, given a ‘fantasy’ to aspire to… Real women are already inspired by other real women, so perhaps beauty advertising needs to get on board.

Her opinions are regularly grating and self-congratulatory.

This election has somehow managed to make the politics on House of Cards seem subtle and refined.

Just the slogan!

“Making America work”?

Oh a bat can kill you pretty easily even from someone with relatively low strength and or body weight. But 5 of them? They should have tried to taze and cuff her first.

Tranquilizers really aren’t a good option. They need to be administered based on a number of factors and can interact with medications (think all the work anesthesiologist shi through to put someone under for surgery). In addition they don’t take effect quickly enough to deal with someone who is a threat.

Amid all this, it’s impossible to forget that Leonardo DiCaprio is a living symbol of excessive consumption and male entitlement,

That’s also a pet peeve of mine! For a recent example, see any Jezebel comment section regarding Lena Dunham. She gets a lot of hate based on her Girls character rather than said people hating on the actual woman named Lena. I’m not sure why some people can’t separate the fictional character from the actor.

Nah, he’s always like that, he’s just an arrogant jerk.

I am guessing she started threatening people. He told her to go. She wouldn’t. He picked her up in a bear hug, carried her to the door and tossed her out. Then slammed the door shut.

Nicki Minaj is in the news for bashing Kanye for marrying a white woman, and this is the story you guys choose to run?

I don’t care at all who you voted for. Is there some rule that every time someone mocks Sander supporters as fringe conspiracy theorists they have to start their comment with “I voted for Bernie but...”

“Most of it is Hillary’s campaign finding ways to unite the democratic party”

Mama take this Nobel off of me

Now playing

Really? She makes racist jokes all the time and she looks like a cornfed white chick from the Midwest (even though she’s not). Seems right up their alley.