Is there enough Kleenex in the world to mop up all the excitement excretions lefties will inevitably spew when this is released?
Is there enough Kleenex in the world to mop up all the excitement excretions lefties will inevitably spew when this is released?
Where the hell would Blunts character fit in this film? Tagging along whining about how she should be arresting every two-bit cartel lackey? I suppose she could’ve stationed herself at a detention facility and spend screen-time lamenting the evils of an administration that’d separate children from their parents...
Better yet, climb out of your hole and head on over to a major grocery store down in my neck of the woods at the beginning of each month. You don’t have to be sneaky to notice the garbage the welfare crowd piles in their carts, the clothes they’re wearing or the cars they’re driving. I’m ever so sure all those…
I have more trouble with the filmmakers expecting me to give a damn about characters with STILL little or no backstory (Rey, Poe, Finn) and them killing off the most interesting character (Snoke) than I do with hokum science crap.
This is a first.... attempting to link your right-wing boogeymen to Lovecraft and his social philosophies. At least learn to spell Cthulhu in your captions.
So much hype for such a mediocre film.
Surprised there haven’t been any calls to retcon the character due to negative Italian stereotyping nonsense.
Has there ever been a “black” movie by white filmmakers that didn’t get this kind of criticism?
“Racism-racism,” eh? Why, that would suggest that some racism you’ve labeled as “racism” isn’t really racism....
Well, that is one of the most racist, paranoid posts I’ve read in quite a while.
I remember the good old days in Everquest... random trolls spamming “penispenispenispenis” in the chat window. I’ve always viewed trolls as comedy relief and don’t feel too sorry for anyone that gripes.