100% Juice

What the fuck does global warming have to do with this?

But did he kneel during the anthem? That seems to be the only thing that would make someone stop watching.

She’s spoken out about sexual harassment before, so it seemed like a perfect opportunity for her to speak out again at a time when the mainstream media has caught up. And if Jon Hamm were interviewed, I’d fully expect him to be asked about Matt Weiner.

Bobby B wants his money, on time and in full. Otherwise, he will break our legs.

To be fair, he is probably exhausted from having more sex than any of the 113 men who finished in front of him.

Johnson’s baby oil?

Who blamed the actresses? They used a picture of the stars of the show because it happened on that show, making an easy connection for people’s memories. Not because they blamed them personally.

I mean, cool rant and all but I was expecting to at least go back and find a snarky comment in the article I’d missed that

People’s resilience and ability to not be physically harmed by words is not a reason to perpetuate demeaning and hateful expressions, even if they’ve lost some of that ugliness over time. I get what you’re saying here (they’re only words, right?), but this concept of “people just shouldn’t take it the wrong way” is

If she was 18, you wouldn’t be ashamed to say that she’s a little hot piece of ass.

Like at gunpoint? Knifepoint? Was it a gang of thugs or just one?

This story is as baffling as it is horrifying. This woman, by her own admission, chose to cruelly kill her pet. But she claims someone else suggested that she do it, and she feels really bad about it, so she’s certain she’s the real victim here.

On a related note, I feel genuinely sorry for all my friends and neighbors who feel the need to drink wine just to get through the day with their families. Like, I get it. Ha, ha. So funny that your wine box is your adult juice box.

Childless implies a loss. For those of us who never want children, trust me: we’re not sitting here agonizing over it. It’s no loss.

No matter what he did, this was always going to be the take. He couldn’t win here. He came out and did what he always does. There was just so much “But Janet Jackson...” happening (and it’s questionable exactly how much that SB performance hurt her career. I think she’s doing just fine). We can have a legitimate

I blame the absence of fathers in the white community. Where is the personal responsibility???

“Damn it, Philly we better than this.”

Well she’s also married to a rapist. So it’s not terribly surprising.

My takeaway? Old time views on courtship and pursuit cannot co-exist with modern feminism. Do away with “non-verbal cues.” Millennial women cannot harp on affirmative consent and then say “But I gave you non-verbal cues.” Can’t have it both ways.

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

So this is pretty much what we expected out of the #MeToo movement right?