Jesus Christ Fahey we’ve got all these new Lays flavors and NOBODY’S TELLIN’ ME ABOUT ‘EM.
Jesus Christ Fahey we’ve got all these new Lays flavors and NOBODY’S TELLIN’ ME ABOUT ‘EM.
Didn’t Nintendo say back in June that they had more games for the rest of this year that weren’t announced yet? I hope that’s true, but tomorrow is August with still no updates...
2 words: Pokemon
For as long as I’ve watched him (6 years now, holy balls), I’ve never seen that man go through a tutorial that wasn’t mandatory. It’s frustrating as hell, sometimes, but man he’s so enjoyable to watch. I loved the salt in both Hotline Miami playthroughs, but Skyrim is the mack daddy of LP’s for me. I’d hoped his…
For Skyrim and Fallout, I recommend Gopher personally. I find his Manchester-by-way-of-a-decade-in-Norway accent unbelievably soothing.
Sips is the only youtuber/streamer I’ve ever been able to get in to. I think mostly because he’s way more laid back.
Ignore me.. mild rant on Resin statues that’ll go worse, faster than PVC.
Human Instrumentality starts at the ankles, apparently.
I understand the appeal of soccer. There are elements of tribe pride, athletic endurance, and brutally fierce…
Not participating in social media at all seems like the best thing to do these days.
“Two Guild Wars 2 narrative designers, Jessica Price and Peter Fries, were fired after Jessica attacked a well-established community member for asking a questions, shouted sexism, and refused to back down. This led people to dig into her Twitter page and realize she frequently posts opinions that ArenaNet does not…
WTF? Not if the game allows it.
Asking for consent would be the worst way to role-play an evil emperor.
You should probably play a single player offline game if you’re too big of a baby to deal with ramifications from legit gameplay.
So we’re at a point in society where you need consent to play games the way you want.
They consented the moment they decided to play a multiplayer game with these features.
Not really. This is a game, which apparently provides the means to do this kind of stuff. And he does have an audience that likes his act.
+1 to anyone who read that final quote in Patton Oswalt’s voice.