Everyone should just go play Astral Chain instead so it gets a sequel
Everyone should just go play Astral Chain instead so it gets a sequel
Osceola County Sheriff Marcos López
In theory you would think that someone who wants to get into law enforcement wants to do it to protect people and help their community but in practice most people get into law enforcement because they want the power trip that comes with it. It also doesn’t help that becoming a police office often times has physical…
As beautifully put by Chris Rock:
Is it just me or has Sega spent the last 30 years (since Sonic 2sday of course) repeatedly fucking up at marketing their products??? I swear to Wise Fwom Yoh Gwave Guy it’s always bloody something with them!
I mean, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for a mom to not want a kid to stumble across a sex tape of them, regardless of what it meant to their career.
I don’t know what Roblox looks like, nor do I know what the game is. My brain has just plugged in a vague alternate version of Minecraft as a placeholder. So seeing articles like this is just like, what the hell is going on over there? But also, the mystery makes it more interesting, so I’m going to continue to not…
I went from 0-100-0 so fast im taking the day off tomorrow with neck pain
The Bloomberg report states that Sega is looking at the Fortnite business model for both titles, aiming to “develop recurring revenue sources and build online communities”. Note here that Sega is on record previously as saying the “Super Game” project is a place the company may experiment with NFTs.
poes law on this post.
Update at 4:12 PM EDT: It’s a boy!
My review of Sonic 2(’s toys available in McDonald’s Happy Meals): Tails keeps falling off his cloud-based skateboard or whatever it is. My kid is no longer interested. 2/5 stars.
Nor do they need to. For every Elden Ring there's a dozen or more great games that can run on basic HP laptops. Stardew Valley, Binding of Isaac, Crosscode, Celeste, Shovel Knight, there's enough great gaming content playable on weak PC hardware to last a person decades, provided they don't care photo realistic…
I think someone at Sega corporate is dreaming there and casting some pretty outlandish ideas.
Completely disagree. Most ‘Dumb things’ are people in fact learning. People commenting on a company-wide email, or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person. They don’t know any better.
Most ‘Dumb things’ occur, because we make silly assumptions that our children know things they don’t know. Even…
“this makes me feel icky”
NO PSO?!!! This is an outrage!