Brick Frog

Jets/Fools Camp Meld Steals Berms

Willie Beamen could not be reached for comment.  

I was going to give you a star for a nice sarcastic take, then I read the next followup and realized you are serious.

I would love for him to come back for no other reason than to have my son see him play. He has never watched him but somehow believes he is the best player ever. I’m not saying I want my kids dreams crushed but I’m not saying I don't either. 

Whatever keeps him off the streets. 

As a lifelong Godzilla fan, I find myself wondering how the 2020 Godzilla vs Kong movie is going to top this one. King Kong has the name recognition of course and the original KK vs G from 1962 was the most lucrative of the original Toho films. However, seeing Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra and Ghidorah seems like the high

You leave out the consequences for his family if he doesn’t...

Swing and a miss.

You know who did have a problem with that? Salah.

Or he knew full well the consequences of *not* doing the photo. (“Özil’s defense of the photo-op—“having a picture with President Erdogan wasn’t about politics or elections, it was about me respecting the highest office in my family’s country”—can read as weaselly over here in America, but then again Americans don’t

This person either fails to understand perspective, or is deliberately trolling for clicks. *Checks byline* Of fucking course.

This is good. 

I think it’s great! I’m glad the refs didn’t take issue with a young All-Star getting his game on and get him fed to the rules when he hit the ground running. Yes, he’s looking kinda dumb with his finger and his thumb in the shape of an L on his forehead. But the years start coming and they don’t stop coming, so it

Man Dies After Secret 4 Year Battle With Gorilla

Dear Legendary:

Ok, I’m in.

Japan and Japanese will always be evil, according to their propaganda.

You fucking what? Gundam has never been a Japanese-centric story regardless of where its creators are from. Amuro Ray is Canadian.

For all their vaunted intelligence, parrots weren’t able to preserve their symbiotes, the buccaneers of the Spanish Main.

I saw Into Darkness the day it was released and enjoyed it a lot. Now I’m kinda afraid to rewatch it for fear of all the Itoldyousos in my head if I don’t like it.