
At least John McCain was capable of showing a shred of decency with regards to his political opponent. Trump’s version was just going back on a batfuck crazy promise to jail his rival.



Lutheran or Canadian?

My husband once pissed me off before a flight. I stared out the window in silence for three hours, out the bus window for one hour and then through a 30 minute information session at the hotel, before finally continuing our fight once ensconced in our room. These people need to be sentenced to a rage repression

“What kind of napkins are you going to have?”

I read way too many of these (up until “foxhead garlands”) before realizing this was satire.

I’m really enjoying this screed on ‘how to be a master criminal’ /thumbs up/

Pro Tip: Don’t use eBay for your scamming. eBay is in the United States and, because of PayPal, it acts as a centralized clearing house for payments.

The more I live, the more entrenched I become in distributionism and my belief that it may really be the only way to stabilize society. Capitalism has decent features, but the problem is that it’s inherently hungry - it has no end point, it has no “goal” other than to keep acquiring and consuming. Socialism has its

According to CBS, her attorney said that the woman isn’t a “lunatic” or a “racist,” but someone with an “alcohol problem.” Burchard-Risch, meanwhile, had nothing to say, either to Jama or to the court.

I saw mommy kissing Santa’s schlong? 

Oh there must have been some magic
In that box of Magnums that they found.
For when they slid one
On his dick
He fucked everything in town!

Frosty the Snowdong
Had a jolly, happy cock!
8 inches long,
3 inches wide,
Veiny and hard as a fucking rock!

Yeah, my husband and I just refer to it as bleeding. Like, “are you bleeding right now?” and “if I am bleeding out of my cooch I can eat whatever the fuck I want.” He still gets grossed out by it, which is when I usually climb up onto his lap and rub my (clothed) crotch on him. He deserves it.

If men could menstruate, they’d brag about how bloody their periods were and equate masculinity with a heavy flow. If men could menstruate, they’d use it as a reason to ban women from being in combat because only men would know what it’s like like to bleed and suffer.

The custom wouldn’t be as powerful if the local women didn’t *also* believe in it.

And Wild, Wild West and After Earth.

This is not Kim’s fault. You should be able to do whatever you want to do online without some asspieces breaking into your apartment and holding you at fucking gunpoint.