
I don't know, I googled bagel gif and this is what I got.

Which at this point is really more notch than board.

At first I was going to let it go

I had been hoodwinked, bamboozled, conned, duped, flimflammed.

If it had been in the shape of an automatic rifle no one would have uttered a word.

But definitely use some form of BC, cuz the worst object in your uterus is an unplanned baby!

Why did you put a dead rat in your wall?

How many times have I heard THAT when going for a bath.

This makes a lot of sense. Nice rugs should stay clean! Poor buddies.

I thought you only got a shower for your 1st baby?

Less angry answer from someone less prone to anger than me: “Paul Ryan is not some random famous or important person. Paul Ryan makes laws! If Paul Ryan wants to put family leave on the national agenda, he is uniquely positioned to do that by virtue of his (probable) position as speaker! He is exactly the kind of

No. Just..no

Then why isn’t maple syrup flowing through my taps?

duh, on important issues like Maple Syrup distribution and Moose Laws.

I sincerely hope you’re right. I feel like if I wake up tomorrow and Stephen Harper is still Prime Minister, I might just have to poison myself rather than deal with that for another 4-5 years.

Oh come on, it’s one of our most exciting elections since...... a long time. We’re trying to kick out douche-everything-that-is-not-a-white-man is shit Harper. He’s the Canadian equivalent of George W. Bush (meaning: a bit softer, but an a-hole of first class in our Canadian standards). Also, there are three main

There’s something rotten in the state of Canada under the Harper government and I sincerely hope our brave and friendly neighbors to the north show him the door.

How does that happen?!! Were there signs, growing up?

Well, it's only Amish sharks that never get cancer.