
I continue to maintain that anyone who has a complaint against BEVs, used BEVs, or Teslas aside from Musk, simply hasn’t driven one yet and thought about the actual aspects of owning one. Yes, if it’s your only car and you do things like lots of hauling, long distance driving, then maybe it’s not a good use case. But

has to be your jurisdiction—you just need to go to your local bar association website. google your city name bar association referral service and just call a few of them. If three or four decline it was probably not a good case, but try more than one. Also, sometimes just a threatening letter is all you need, and an

Very easy to goad these companies into idiocy. You make a good faith effort to resolve, they act like jackasses. This goes around two, three times, and now you’ve crossed the expense threshold for small claims. I rarely sue, but I’ve done so twice and had hilarious experiences. I’ve just never pushed it into

Why don’t such awesome things happen to me? I know a great attorney! This would be a mini cash bonanza!

At least, why don’t people just do the chargeback?   I mean, if they re-apply the charges so much more ammunition for above attorney!

I love it, but for all that it is, I don’t consider it $22k worth of my money.  It is a special car...for someone else.  It will take a long time to sell.   It’s too unusual a bird. 

the plane flew into a flock of Canada geese with the engines each ingesting at least one bird, probably more. One engine was damaged sufficiently to where it probably could not have been restarted, the other might have been restarted had the plane had sufficient altitude but of course, it did not.
This would not be

The RAT is not secret, just not well known... in part because “all engines failing” is fortunately, very, very rare. ETOPS is the standard meant to prevent the whole all engines failing thing. Basically, there’s never been an unassisted all engine failure on an ETOPS certified airliner. That said, of course, there

Maybe our elected officials would get off their asses and stop shoveling money down his throat until he cleans up his safety record, but I won’t be holding my breath.

GM makes lots of bad mistakes, but it was hampered by paying union workers to not work. I mean, I support unions, but that was a mess.

That said, GM makes lots of bad mistakes. They should’ve paired not their brands down, but rather the stable of cars within each brand. I know it would’ve been hell at the dealerships,

Honestly, this is not a bad idea. I was thinking this. You could get really flexible with it and still have a hell of a lot of fun and practicality.    Some Model 3s are dropping below $20K and that still leaves a lot of headroom for a fun car. 

Well, with just a tiny bit of CGI he did. I mean, I even enjoyed the film. Apparently the 1% who did.

I feel for you. My poor wife had to go overseas to take care of funeral arrangements for her father when our youngest was only six months old. She could not handle it and became demon spawn during the flight and on a lot of the trip due to the time change. I felt so bad for her... I had to work, there were no options

As is often the case, I have a few.


Flew out of London to Cincinnati by way of Paris. This was a Delta flight code-shared with Air France. They never got that. When I tried to check in I could not. When I called, they said, just check in at the gate. Silly me. I get up in London at 3:40 am and

I have a minivan and love it. It is the perfect vehicle for everything from hauling family, to outdoors trips, to handling ply and drywall and 2x4s for me to finish my basement. It only doesn’t tow my travel trailer.

I actually don’t think that much harm was done.   Do you know where the harm was done?   All the other companies that couldn’t figure out how to build a reliable charger/charging network that couldn’t compete with Tesla.  

Not really, it’s not a bad standard if you are going to settle on one.  And it is becoming a standard even it not going the usual way.    You get a lot of credibility for building a charging network that actually works. 


Think about how the US federal government requires automakers to guaranty EV batteries for 8 years for this purpose.

You’re looking at it in the photo— the F-150, 250 (ok, so not the Jeep). And oddly enough a used Prius. I know more than one retiree that has fullsize truck or body on frame SUV plus a Prius. It’s funny.

Only the rich retirees, which seem to be fewer and fewer have the Corvette. Shame... I love the Vette... I think

funny that it seems to be the Tesla charger than everyone is going to. Whatever happens to Tesla, I don’t know, but they certainly know how to build out charging infrastructure.