
Good thing the Biden Build Back Better Act is littering the country with fast chargers.   I think we’ll live.   On one hand, it takes a bit longer to “fuel up”, on the other, my truck go fast.   

This is the right question, and that’s why this doesn’t matter.  Except for the availability of fast chargers.  That’s all that matters.   I certainly want a lot of range, but I’m already factoring in range loss for towing/hauling.   My only real concern (besides initial costs) at this point is lack of charging

My biggest complaint is that the FAA was supposed to set a minimum seat pitch in 2018 and haven’t done anything about it in lessee—5 years! Here’s an article complaining about the delay in 2020:

I’m not a small person, but I don’t care if someone reclines their seat.   That’s what they are there for.  It’s not like they go back that much.    I sometimes recline and sometimes don’t.  NBD.

The problem is that this kind of stuff gets solved with a really bad and prolonged recession.    But then we all have to suffer immensely for it.  So yeah, not so fun.  

I’m not justifying anyone’s actions here, but at least one commentary pointed out that if it is the case that the attacker was an ex-Marine, there may have been mental health needs in that person as well. It’s not unreasonable to think so. That doesn’t mean they should somehow avoid being charged, but it is something

Car stolen just tell the cops here’s where the airtag says it is and see how they respond—since its accuracy is not down to a specific vehicle, they won’t touch it unless that is the only car in the search radius, which duh.   And so they won’t look to begin with.  It’s not a LE recovery tool.   You’ll be on your own,

Yeah, that’s the thing—like no one can accept that maybe, just maybe, there is just a misunderstanding. Elevates the story that you had a few in you though—that seems to have had the makings of a great comedy skit. I’m glad it ended without anyone getting canned or clobbered.

if you can flare out them fenders like that, then goose the engine, it’d be one fine ride

In the last six months I have replaced my rear brakes and rotors and one rim and two tires on one car. I have had a $1500 planned expense for the timing belt change on a Honda Odyssey (expensive, but we knew it was coming). But then my kid opened a sliding door into a high curb with an old tree growing into it and

That’s funny. I fly a fair amount—used to fly a lot more, and I’ve never been bumped a single time. I’ve been on planes where they asked people to give up their seats for free vouchers and stuff, but I’ve never had to. I generally fly Delta, and they have some degree of loyalty because they kept their middle seat

That’s the going rate for decently rated (via Consumer Reports) R or HR rated tires, which my particular car requires—yeah, 18" rims, unless I get particularly lucky and hit a good sale. Even the cheapest junk tires are not a whole lot cheaper.    That said, even my Honda Odyssey is about $700 for similar well rated

Yeah, this is sort of why I think these kinds of free-for-alls are rife for conflict.

We accidentally “took” someone’s spot once at a Costco. Except that they were apparently waiting for it at the end of the row--three or four cars over?!? It was empty, so we took it. We didn’t drive around them or anything because again, they were on the street at the end of the row. All of a sudden this woman and her

except the kids on my street who have their own fight club.  literally not kidding. 

The engines are proven--but feeding that many at once is certainly a challenge, as well as controlling them.  That, IMO, I think is the challenge here and is likely the problem.  There’s a lot of plumbing there.  The Russians tried the “lots of engines” idea in one of their rockets and it didn’t go so well. 

Would I buy some of these in the abstract? Maybe. But at the moment, I grow less and less interest in supporting a dictator that’s trying to undermine democracy (we seem to be trying to destroy democracy well enough on our own, thank you). I’ve slowly made efforts to try to buy less Chinese manufactured items. I feel

so, um, did the service members then sue to get money and damages to replace their vehicles?

At that price and age I’d take my chances after an inspection. If it blew up on me I’d repair it. If it did a second time, I’d repair it and sell it. That price is the kind of price where I could afford the risk, but at the age it is, it would either have had its fits or not, IMO, even with the low mileage.

That’s a harsh view.  This woman was a recent divorcee from a rather loser ex who was not very good at keeping up with child support and had to go back to complete college to get a degree and go back to work.  She had an old station wagon, a few kids, and a lot of fires to put out.  She poured everything into her kids