
racing drivers never stop racing

Distractions are part of driving (unfortunately). The trick is to get those distractions minimized and the information you need with as little movement as possible.

Yes, exactly like a manual. Except no clutch pedal and about 100 extra lbs. If there is no clutch, ITS AN AUTO.

The process of receiving financial assistance from the government is months long and involves a number of procedural controls designed to help prevent fraud and prosecute it.

In what world was he REQUIRED to start a larger conversation? It's a personal matter, and he says it is painful to him, so not wanting to open up the floor to a greater debate is pretty understandable.

His concern wasn't for the public, it was for his personal stake in the matter. That was far more important then starting a nationwide conversation, especially since he doesn't seem to have any idea of what exactly she thought was assault.

But as an auto enthusiast you no longer have to be worried about the compromise, or having two cars.

Some suggest they should get rid of their reliable, paid for car and instead go spend money on an unknown, potentially unreliable "beater"? So they sell the Benz for 5k, spend 1500 on the beater (anything cheaper is generally rusty junk), then more $$ getting it registered and inspected, then let's say another 1k in

Nobody would have batted an eye if she showed up in a recent-model Corolla that's worth literally twice as much money.

Damn, woman! What were you thinking?

1) "It's also ironic how you fail at reading comprehension since I go out of my way to say I'm not generalizing, but you seem to imply I am."
How can you possibly speak about 1,300,000,000 people without generalising?

2) " I'm reporting the perception over here as I understand it and am asking for clarification.

"Discussing instead of criticising." Are you not exactly criticising a country due to the actions of the .00000005% of the population that you've heard about doing extremely bad things?

Also China has a history of at least 4000+ years.

literally the 15th word in your original post was "majority". As in the majority of Chinese people sell babies, like the majority of Americans enjoy murderous rampages.

Okay, a) the VAST majority of the "crazy people in China" stories are completely made up (so much so that I automatically don't believe them now), and b) there is a metric shitload of people in China, so judging them all by the few that actually do something dumb enough to get noticed (assuming that even a fraction of

why make sweeping comments when you admit to knowing nothing?

You sound biased against motorists, not everyone is like you embellished here & you know it. As both a motorist & a cyclist I notice bad habits & disregard for laws by both groups.

"Nevertheless, commenters have a point. This dude does go on about his damn car waaaaaay too much,"

Care to provide a source on that thought of yours that people who swear are less intelligent?

People who say "u mad bro" are usually people whose opinions are to be disregarded.