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    Do you really need all that storage space? From what I understand, a dashcam is suppose to cycle the data and delete the unwanted video? What app are you using?

    Mark just can't catch a break anymore. In these last 3 years, he seems to have the worst luck with starts whether it be the clutch or ecu.

    Fun Fact: In Asian culture the number 4 has always been associated with "Death" because the pronunciation of the two are identical. So if my moma sees this plate arrive in the mail, she'll have a heart attack. The SHITBOX not so much.

    Say's on the description that she's a former BMW Technician which worries me a bit because I want to be a technician. Is it not all that cracked up to be?

    I'll keep an eye out for your bug. Rest assure, you will get your beetle back.

    I can't think of a better gift than that.

    Pledge 39 bucks for the Jumbo size? Sounds good to me. It'd class up the joint real quick.

    Timid drivers hate aggressive driving. Aggressive drivers hate timid driving. But let's be honest here, we all are a little timid and aggressive from time to time. What we can agree on is that we hate distracted drivers.

    You will be happy to know there there is an obscure greek demigod named Priapus and he was the god of livestock, fruits, fertility, and of course PENIS, and that guy is packing

    I laughed because your name is Oedipus.

    The gordon isn't the only enemy to have a player controlled death scene. I suggest you take a look at Ascensions other scenes like the elephant monster, brutal stuff.

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

    I suppose I can somewhat understand that. I haven't been in anything with more code than my computer.

    Should be. That was Eric Clapton afterall =)

    dat accent.

    Funny thing about that ferrari is that it's actually a fiero.

    The least he could do was Google it.

    Hell I'ld pay 6500 for a well maintained normal Celica all-trac. You're telling me I could get one with a Ford V8 mounted in the back, Race prepped, and Gulf Oil livery, for the same price? My brain says something must be up with this, but my heart says BUY BUY BUY

    I guess it kinda looks like little wings on the side of the car. So if Angel Eyes, then surely Angel Wings or just Wings.

    His hair. I mean, just look at it.