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    Anyone post this yet? No? Well here you go. I think this is quite fitting.

    Do you think there will be another Jalopnik DLC Pack for this?

    I thought the EXACT same thing in my head just now.

    I don't really like the whole deal as much as the next guy considering it is Mr. Ecclestone we're talking about, but right now he is the only hope for the 'Ring.

    This has to be some sort of sign because my buds broke after 5 years of service and the one time I check up Lifehacker, you guys got me set on a new one under 10 bucks. I should come here more often.

    I'm just Thunderstruck at how Electrifying the whole situation is! The poor boy probably thought the car would Bolt away in a Flash, but was Insulated in the Current of traffic.

    To be fair, Audi LeMans Hybrids are not really related to their road cars. Those e-trons don't have batteries instead they have some weird honking flywheel that stores kinetic energy and delivers it to the front wheels.

    "It's explosions between your legs... I mean, that's where your genitals are..."

    That's exactly what I thought too. Hipsters in my vintage moto rally? Say it ain't so! but to their credit, they seem like the nice easy going hipsters. I mean how much could you dislike someone who shares the same passion and wholeheartly understands 2-wheels and an engine?

    Never Enough.

    Why are all "DIY" videos and articles have the guy wearing Flip Flops? I don't know about you guys but open-toed shoes and tools equal bad afternoons.

    ha lol, I think the font is suppose to resemble chalk written on a board. If it was cocaine, it would be either really REALLY neat and straight or messy illegible with a few lines missing.

    Bentley is owned by the Germans right? It wouldn't surprise me if the CEO lives there too. But I see your point; if I was old timely British man and saw that, I'll go bonkers.

    Beautiful video. Amazing Facility.

    Jonathan didn't drive the longest lasting most dependable truck on the road. Jonathan drove a Ford.

    Ahh that's good, I was under the pretense that the newer AMGs would suffer constant traction control. It's a good thing these germans came to their senses.

    I don't really understand the negativity here. I mean come on guys, show a little pep for once. I know this isn't Top Gear UK, but it wouldn't hurt to not curb your enthusiasm. (Har Har). Some of you may not know this but Jerry is a gearhead, albeit a rich-outta-the-ass gearhead but a gearhead nonetheless. Most

    She must've disabled it by yanking at some fuses. That lady sure know how to burn rubber.

    Thanks, I'll definitely remember these the next time I get there.

    If you're planning to get there from the 15 N, there's this nice little 11 mile mountain curve highway between Las Vegas and the boundary of Utah. It was pretty fun. I was able to keep up with a Golf in Honda Odyssey