In a Renault Clio? Well I suppose the only way to have any adrenaline rush is to drive on the wrong side of the road in one of those. That lunatic is quite innovative.
In a Renault Clio? Well I suppose the only way to have any adrenaline rush is to drive on the wrong side of the road in one of those. That lunatic is quite innovative.
I like the Evoque especially it's exterior and body shape, this however looks a bit I don't know.. Off? I don't know why but that windshield is really riffling my jimmies.
If anyone else wants to see silly Japanese people put silly things in rice cookers than check this out!
I like dirty jobs and this isn't really dirty jobs. Mike Rowe does random jobs from shark autopsy to sewer cleaning, and he really does his best while Hammond, well he just messes about with anything with an engine.
How come Zuko is missing his burn scar?
If Jalopnik boards are this confused about the price just think about the Chicago Attendees who are having this and the overgrown toddler jamming the price tag down their throats.
Exactly what I was thinking! What this Kia needs is a proper drive shaft to the rear and a price cut.
I feel so bad for the truck driver's family for he will be shot by sundown.
I agree. If Mr.Toyoda was sacked a few years ago, no way in hell would there be a gt-86
I feel bad, really bad for laughing at that. Good show.
Something tells me this is made with MUGEN. Very well done.
I expected an expensive accident, but it's good to know that a Continental is better in the snow than most Utahians
Does it come in a bigger size for my toaster stridle?
That little red square thing that sits in the center looks like a heater, but that's too ridiculous even for a BMW mouse.