
Didn’t realize misogynists like yourself admitted that females have brains.  I guess this is a good first step.

We can fight that battle later.  First  priority is getting rid of fighting.  The sport in general is too violent and that includes aggressive, intentionally-painful checking.  People still cross check which is ridiculous. 

Don’t forget heteronormativity. 

Good.  One less violence-advocate.  

There are a few obvious solutions for this that don’t require a team of lawyers and politicians pounding their chests about saving the world.

The Royal Family is literally the crown jewel of the patriarchy.  Sad to see Meghan Markle so happy to take part.

Terrible. Does nobody realize that sports figures are heroes to kids? What does this teach them?

No idea what you’re talking about but please limit the bad swear words.

Israel and The United States are the same country.  A threat to one is a threat to both.  They are not mutually exclusive entities; they are entirely reliant on each other.  America cannot exist without Israel and vice versa.

Speak for yourself Bozo.  I’m crying on the outside and on the inside.

Oh sweet!  I didn’t realize that winning meant splitting the party.  I thought that was loosing?  Guess Bernie is gonna win again too right?  Oh thank you so much new *real* Democrats!  Things are looking so good for Trump!  Woo!

Another headfake/ruse/distraction or whatever else you want to call it. The real gifts are the laundered cash payments to Trump Org, its subsidiaries, and entities wholly controlled by Trump though not on paper.

About Women

Hi.  Also, good morning.

Cohen is proof that Rep Omar was mistaken to say what she did. This man is defending our values at great personal expense.  He’s out there holding the line while Omar and AOC and the other loudmouths sit in their bubble baths tweeting and drinking wine.  

This is the sad truth.

I work the night shift in Vladivostok as you know and tonight I extra had vodka which is my favorite and now some overtime thank you.  Be here until noon my time. almost 4 mroe hours my friend.

I didn’t mean it literally!

Well people are thinking I meant it literally for some reason. 

Errrrrr how do I change my comment?  She isn’t actually growing on me I just kind of “get” her now.