
Harris and Booker are much, much better politicians than Sharrod, but you’re right about Gillibrand.  She’s some weird, sexy Hillary Lite thing that just makes me uncomfortable.  So I kinda get what you’re saying, and more than halfway agree with you but it doesn’t matter.  Hillary is going to announce she’s running

You are not allowed to parent my children through tertiary support of violent activities!

For what it’s worth, this 1983 paper relied heavily on Joseph Fourier’s original 1827 paper on Global Warming. Nobody cites or sources this guy anymore but they all use him. Kinda sad.

Flagged yet again.  I literally just created a AI to do this for me so toodles for now.

Wow, she is much fitter than I thought.  In the headline photo you can tell that she’s not just skinny, she’s got abs.  You can see the defined crevice along the side of her tum tum.  That’s pretty tough at age 55.  She’s definitely got some grit and determination.  I still don’t like her, but that is a very

Why would I dismiss a comment about a thread that has nothing to do with me?

Only if that rocket bypasses the junk and heads way out there where she can’t come back too easily.  She stole Alejandra Costello’s gig.  

Pretty much what I told that guy. Can’t stress how energetically he disagreed with this. Pretty sure he was panting but tough to tell through text.

If you want to relive your embarrassment, I’ll provide the entire debate.

Flagged again.  I’m happy to sit her all day and flag your posts.  I can do this all day.  And I’m happy to.

FYI: That guy is just mad because he lost a very publicized debate to me about space junk and what to do with it.

Just flagged this post.

That’s better.  Thanks!

It’s one of the best speech’s of all time so... maybe just listen to the audio while your grocery shopping?  Ugh you gotta see him too though he’s so passionate and genuine. 

Yeah, well, whatever.  At least I’m educated.

You are intentionally, and very cleverly, obfuscating bipartisanship with Both Sidesism.  

Full grown adult here. No need for your childish insults.

I guess you missed his speech at the Democratic National Committee in 2016?

Take your “some Both Sidesisms are okay sometimes” take and throw it into the ocean.