Absolutely. There is no way that the many amazing standalone episodes throughout all of the Star Trek series were any less complex than the serialized arcs.
Absolutely. There is no way that the many amazing standalone episodes throughout all of the Star Trek series were any less complex than the serialized arcs.
DS9's serialization would have fallen apart without the many standalone episodes.
I think more serialization would have definitely helped Voyager, and probably even TNG.
I’ve been thinking about this for awhile. I am in a Star Trek meetup group that regularly gets together and has Star Trek marathons around various themes. We generally hopscotch around the different series, and people gravitate toward the really strong standalone episodes. Those episodes are the ones people remember,…
Yea, that panning shot actually made me like the design of the Discovery (at least for that moment), which I didn’t think was possible. Still not sure how I feel about this series in general, but this episode certainly gave a better idea of where the series was going.
Speak for yourself. You’re certainly in the minority.
Shut up, Wesley!
How is it that even the description of the inspiration for an upcoming Pixar film (not spun off from Monster’s Inc. or especially Cars) is enough to get someone choked up? Not me of course, but someone...
Wow, those effects are just awful. This show could have literally been done in the 90's frame for frame (these effects would have cost a little more then, but not much more). And yea, a particularly dedicated fan could definitely produce this today.
They’re not completed, but they’re much farther along than the series. No spoilers, but the proto-molecule isn’t the enemy
I was thinking the same thing. They are produced by the same corporate family, and the storyline certainly looks like it could fit with Legion
I meant to watch this when it came out. Going to have to watch it now that its on Amazon Prime!
You’re kidding right? You really have to be. How many amazing series have been cancelled before their time. Especially when they were jacked around with as much as Firefly was by Fox.
If that is your reason not to watch this show, then you must not watch must television. Very few shows don’t undergo a quality slump going from the first to the second seasons, unless they sucked outright in the first season.
Maybe every extra in the movie, that apparently is not shown in the trailer, is a WWE “wrestler”. Every scene has heavily muscled men walking by in the background. And every billboard in the movie is for WWE.
I really liked this too. One note, it is a Netflix US exclusive, not an original. (It was originally on Showcase in Canada). I hope it gets renewed, because let’s just say the end leaves you hanging.
It is a weird day when the NY Times (mostly) likes a sci-fi/fantasy show and io9 doesn’t. Although looking at other reviews, NY Times seems to be an outlier
There is no way that this would work. Name one time that a star and role nearly as iconic as Leia and Carrie Fisher have had their role played by another actor in a subsequent project. Never happened, never will.
That’s just great. I haven’t gotten that sinking, horrible feeling about some piece of (non-Trump related) news in at least a few days. This was due.