
Great for you, but that certainly wasn't the standard in most large cities.

If we can file our taxes via the internet, we should certainly be able to vote for federal elections the same way. No need to print stupid ballots or have people wait in line for hours on end. You would still have polling places set up for people without access to a computer, but those people shouldn't have to wait

I live in Oregon where everybody votes via mail-in ballot too (but we know how to count our votes in a reasonable amount of time). It is certainly true that the ballot is no longer strictly secret, but the massive increase in convenience is definitely worth it.

I have to respond to this. Yes, the SF plot is pretty interesting, and it was especially so when they revealed that the machine is sentient and capable of doing more than spitting out SSN's. But then they just dropped it. I'm pretty sure at this point making the machine sentient in that episode was just to tie up

sequel!!! I know you have said in some interviews that you see the movie as a complete story, finished at the end, but it would be awesome to follow that wonderful child actor as he grows up, and deals with his dark impulses. Not a time travel movie necessarily, but still it would be awesome.

It's available right now for Kindle. I definitely would stay away from the iBooks version, since you can't read it on anything but the iphone and ipad (not on windows or mac, not in a browser, certainly not on any other os)

I think it really depends on what type of short story you prefer. The short, self-contained story with a beginning, middle, and end. or the story that is designed to end leaving questions unanswered and without tying up loose ends. I personally prefer the self-contained story also, but the other type has its place.

Very interesting book. Most of the characters have definite dark sides that you don't see in most novels. Also, I was surprised that many of the stories don't involve societies that have actually encountered an apocalypse, they just use an element of an apocalyptic scenario (like zombies or chicken flu) with the

At the very least, you can say that it started off far stronger than B5. B5 had just about as much teething pain and TNG.

I certainly hope by new movies you don't mean the latest Trek movie. Because if so, I want nothing to do with you.

I kind of still think TNG and DS9 are roughly equal in quality. TNG took a while to get on its feet, but by the third season, almost every episode was just golden. DS9 started out much stronger, and definitely ended up delving in some areas that TNG never quite got to in character development and especially extended

As far as I know, solar sails are a real concept that could theoretically propel a spaceship. Certainly, far, far more real than warp drive ever will be.

Speak for yourself. "Once more, with feeling" was one of the best episodes of Buffy.

I have two theories: