
I assume you were using sarcasm in this as well?

Destiny 2’s long, slow crawl toward its possible (hopeful?) redemption is underway.”

It’s honestly kinda funny to read this article now.

I didn’t even know that Angry Birds was still a thing. And I also didn’t know that there’s gonna be ANOTHER Angry Birds movie in 2019.

Played the demo & honestly feels like a bunch of overzealous users at GameFAQs wrote the story. In a bad way.

“So glad Rex is gone AND it’s a new year! The future seems so promising!”

I agree with you 2, but it seems pointless to be complaining about how a medium that you have no control over in another country works. It’s like a feminist in Ghana complaining about the Lingerie Football League. If you really wanna talk about something you can control, how about the fact that the majority of voice