
I also thought she was the best thing about Valentine's Day. Not that that's particularly high praise…

I also thought she was the best thing about Valentine's Day. Not that that's particularly high praise…

*grunts in approval*

*grunts in approval*



"Number of tickets sold" has the same problems @avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus described. I guess you can't really compare movies across this many different eras, no matter what metric you use.

"Number of tickets sold" has the same problems @avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus described. I guess you can't really compare movies across this many different eras, no matter what metric you use.

More like "Much Ado About A Lot", amirite? Like, uh, a lot of money? I'll show myself out.

More like "Much Ado About A Lot", amirite? Like, uh, a lot of money? I'll show myself out.

Maybe you should devote more attention to ruling the seven kingdoms, rather than the stock market, huh, Joffrey?

Maybe you should devote more attention to ruling the seven kingdoms, rather than the stock market, huh, Joffrey?

A portfolio full of Facebook shares?

A portfolio full of Facebook shares?

Really? I think the premise sounds pretty good, in theory. Now, in practice it's probably gonna be terrible, but that's due to most likely lazy, half-assed execution.

@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus But wouldn't reading literature take up just as much time as TV? And that's not detrimental? Or watching hours and hours of movies (which is necessary to catch all the classics and auteurs from before one's time)? You are still arguing on the basis of "Literature is an

Good choice. Video Game Jeff is adorable.


[insert Bumblebee Man quote here]

Really? I immediately thought that it's one of those six hundred cop shows that are clogging up the TV schedule over here. Shows what I know about German television.