
Any chance the pilot episode involves an alien invasion?

Actually, I think she's supposed to be his second (trophy) wife and, as such, only the kids' stepmom.

I regularly use that joke whenever any of the two comes up, even though I can tell them apart just fine. Don't ask me why. It's not even all that funny.

I've never seen this show. I feel young again!

How about "LaBoeuf Stroganoff"? That's my go-to nickname for him.

Speaking of Syfy, anyone else looking forward to more "Alphas" this summer?

Hey! What's Taylor Kitsch ever done to you?

PONIES! … That's all I got.

"Pegasister" rarely gets used within the fandom, though. In keeping with the fact that the show tries to buck gender stereotypes, "brony" is commonly used as a gender-neutral term.

Run! Reality's collapsing in on itself!

*hopes Reposted AV Club Commenter posts in this thread*

I like her movies. Is that an unpopular opinion around here?

Hey, look! It's the Doctor's new companion!

Tell me, doctor, where are we going this time?


Ah, thank you. Well, that does look kinda cheesy, but there are a bunch of talented people involved, so maybe it ends up being at least somewhat amusing.

What movie are you talking about? It sounds like "A Passage to India", but I can't find anything about a new adaptation of that one.

Well, at least this gives me more time to catch up. Or maybe it'll just drive me to procrastinate…

No! That is not what I meant at all, good sir! It's all a big misunderstanding. I just had to clear my throat at that particular moment. And "acquire" is a perfectly cromulent word. My phrasing was just a little unfortunate, is all, you see?

I decided to rewatch The Maltese Falcon on Friday, since I had, ahem, acquired it and it's been a while since I had last seen it. Well, pretty quickly I noticed a distinct lack of Humphrey Bogart, and a quick Internet search showed I was actually watching the version from 1931, not the well-known one from '41. I