
She is nine, which they mentioned at her birthday party. This reviewer watched 6/10 eps so maybe it was an assumption.

Completely agree - just finished the series which I did find interesting overall, but was very frustrated that come the end of episode ten no true closure came of almost every story line…

It's based on the lyrics of the Fleetwood Mac song "Gypsy"

That is beyond horrible. Did they find any evidence/suspects?

That darkroom was amazing - the way they transitioned their basement into a functioning darkroom in five minutes while Paige watched with wonderment… something to behold. I cannot believe the Pastor is comparing her situation to a sexual assault victim - it is cringe-worthy. It was a beautifully done scene. And I

Thanks for the link, Bart - that was an excellent listen!

Don't get my hopes up

Thanks for the recommendation, I'll definitely be checking out his book!

I truly don't understand how I'm agnostic and follow the golden rule (which I see to be my religion, if I were to have one), yet so many religious folk don't. Bizarro world we live in.

Thanks so much, that's much more than I know about e-cigarettes :) I think that anything that helps someone quit smoking is awesome, and definitely shouldn't be treated as a "thing"!

Wouldn't they be able to check his alibi, so to speak? It'd be easy enough to find out if that sibling had leukemia. I want to believe it, but I doubt this whole buildup is for something so benign.

I kind of liked that blonde wig coming out of the baseball cap when they were tailing Tuan. I always wonder how her wigs don't fall off or at least get messed up while having sex with her marks.

Just curious, are the Fargo accents representative, or are they a little exaggerated? They always seem over-the-top to me.

How are there only 5 comments for this show?? I agree that Chris having concern for Rob is touching. What is that he's always sucking on? I don't know much about electric cigarettes - is that what it is??

That asshole quote is hysterical! It can't be good for you!

Yes, I believe they were well aware of the expectation in the book. I enjoyed this deviation because we got to see their reaction to what they were in for.

Aunt Lydia is a disgusting, uber-religious hypocrite. Discussing the handmaid's duty in the ceremony like it's a privilege, then cattle tazing and whipping people for punishment. And, as another commenter mentioned, she's the worst since she clearly takes pleasure in brutalizing these women.

It was brutal to watch the scene where Aunt Lydia explains the ceremony at the Red Center. Watching the dread creep into their faces as they slowly realized the true reality of the job was awful. It was also painful to watch the ceremony this episode - everyone waiting painfully while the Commander couldn't get it

It's interesting how we keep seeing moments where he's trying, but the availability and temptation is around every corner. For one, the taco stand where he tries to refuse a beer from his coworker, and another where he is leaving the office, walks by a crowded bar, you see him hesitate, then he goes inside. I like

I was proud of myself for stretching it over two days - such a great show!