Don't know if I can post links, but Hot Cheetos and Takis! The song:
Don't know if I can post links, but Hot Cheetos and Takis! The song:
What about Philando Castile this morning? Killed in front of his girlfriends four year old child. So far, he was "one of the good ones," like Poussey, with no priors, but I'm sure within a few hours the media will be trying to find evidence of drugs, absentee father, or poor job performance. And the apologists on…
Victim-blaming, denials, cop justifying, and silence. I've been reading the comments on liberal news outlets. I can't bring myself to look at the hateful media outlets yet. But nothing to see here, he wasn't "one of the good ones" like Poussey, apparently. Plus, unlike Poussey Washington on OINTB, he was an…
Serial killers are human beings too. Many have families and are pillars of their communities. People who only murdered once, even, are human. Maybe they made a mistake out of anger or passion. Dylann Roof is a human being. He was only 21, blah blah blah. The problem with this argument is it becomes an apology for…
This is my last response to you; I try not to engage people with victim mentalities and poor reading comprehension skills. Continue to blame your disability and other people for your problems in life, that's working out for you so well. My original point was you are still alive. Nowhere did I say you, as a mentally…
She feels hopeless. Her kid is lost in the system and she has no way of even finding her. CO Humps is a stand-in for Pornstache and Bennett, it totally makes sense. she's been literally screwed.
She applies! Nuns take a vow of poverty! I think Yoga Jones too. But she is wishy-washy wirth Her racism. I like Gina. Gina's character is smart and she doesn't stand up with the racists chanting White power. I want to see her backstory.
I think the writers renamed her Tovah to be less racist.
Last time I checked, white men still make more than women of any race. That's called privilege. As a mentally ill white man, you have better odds than a POC of not getting shot by police when you're psychotic or manic. In theory, you are likely to have access to therapists and medication to manage your mental…
You do realize Taystee's longest job assignment before she was on maintenance crew was library duty with Poussey?! You do realize Poussey and Taystee held a book funeral listing names of books they've read and mourned after the bed bug incident led to a book burning? And that Taystee won the job fair? And Poussey…
He or she (whoever that commenter is) keeps saying Poussey was not innocent. If you read his or her other comments, they sound dangerously close to saying she deserved to die. I'm not the only person who feels this way based on reading this person's comments.
I don't doubt that my comments are not well received by some people. But they were not spam nor were they attacking to anyone. At least three of my comments have been removed. It's a sad commentary on our society that everyone is not allowed a voice.
I'd give them a B-. I could tell the writers room was mostly White without a single Black voice before it was revealed just from the way the Black characters were portrayed, spoke, and acted, not to mention their plots and back stories. I'm not privy to personally experiencing the entire plethora of the various…
Thank you moderators for not letting people of color have a voice about issues that affect them because my comments make you uncomfortable. It really shows who you are inside and I challenge you to examine that on a deeper level, if only to be fully aware of your internal prejudices. This is only a show but once…
That's why it felt disingenuous that Piper was the agent to halt that conversation. It amazes me how much power she has or thinks she has. Entitlement central. I don't doubt a concerned guard would dissuade Bayley from his mission, but on the other hand, the guards are so incompetent, he may have been able to walk…
To those saying Bayley would have been brutally murdered by the Blacks in the ghetto (aka C dorm), in the words of Poussey Washington, "Don't you think it's kinda racist to automatically assume Black people are going to beat you up for being racist?"
I'm surprised people are surprised by this.
To put it like Poussey did when she was talking to Judy King about finding out why her friends were asking weird (they were trying to snap a photo), "don't you think it's kinda racist to automatically assume Black people are going to beat you up (or in this case brutally murder you) for being racist?"
I think it was the Litchfield chicken in the corn that night.
A 90 lb inmate is capable of causing harm. Regardless of innocence versus guilt, do you really think her alleged assault on CO bailey justified the death penalty? Would you feel differently if Chang or SoSo had been the ones who put their hands on the guard?