
No DH incorporates a lot more strategy from a manager’s perspective. Anyone who’s watched the Cubs this year has to appreciate Joe Madden’s antics. No DH incorporates a lot more players off the bench, and forces teams to go deeper in the bullpen. The strategy involved is something I would miss a lot as a baseball fan.

I don’t know what it is, but the picture of the gum really makes me want a piece of it.

Happy trolling.

I’m an Atheist, and don’t attend church, but I also know that there are many very intelligent people who are not bigots and attend church. You, dear, are an idiot.

Please stop typing, you are hurting my eyes. Not all churches are filled with bigots.

I’m a Cubs fan and this had me dying.

Clearly an LA broadcast, pricks.

MF’s got too much time.

He go nigh nigh.

This made me giggle.

Before this year I have never cheered for the Yankees. I think it’s ridiculous how hated A-Rod is, therefore, I am an A-Rod fan. Go A-Rod.

There are rules in place that make the game better, offensive 3 seconds being one of them. Applying a political philosophy to a game is ridiculous btw. I do agree with no DH in baseball, as it creates more creativity with substitutions

“...there’s no rule preventing the offense from keeping one guy under the other basket to cherry pick, so why are there rules preventing what a defense can do?”

There is not enough scoring... that would decrease scoring.

You think the NBA would have a better game if they could play zone? If you say yes, you’ve lost all credibility with me.

2nd most important rule change: Split the game into 4 quarters, apply the free throw bonus by quarter... just like the NBA.

Every other major sport uses the pro level as a benchmark. I don’t see why basketball shouldn't be the same.

“...you couldn’t even bring an extra man to the ball side on defense without incurring an illegal defense penalty.” You are correct, it also makes for a lot of grey area, defensive 3 seconds is a better way to enforce no zone. The current rules in basketball produce a stagnant game, defensive 3 seconds would free

I guess we should abolish offensive 3 seconds as well. It’s basketball- you should be able to play any fucking offense you want.

I’m not sure how a zone defense carries a memorable legacy. If any defense carried that, it would be man to man. Your argument is based on, well that’s how it’s always been, which is never a good reason to keep anything around, especially when talking about rules of a game. Also, defensive 3 seconds was implemented as