
Happily all the parts of Northern Virginia it runs through (Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax County, PW County) have all renamed it in the last couple of years. It’s Richmond Highway now although people just call it Rt 1. Arlington’s also renaming Lee Highway. And all/most of the schools named for traitors have also

I literally got approved for an FHA home loan yesterday. Applied with two different lenders to compare rates. Both saw that my loans were shown as deferred, but were aware of the automatic deferment and just asked me to document my actual monthly payment that will resume in October for the purpose of calculating my

The ADA unfortunately favors people who need service animals over people who have allergies, no matter how severe the allergy is (source: I am allergic to dogs and have been in this situation). But AA fucked up - they could have offered the allergic passenger a voucher for taking a later flight, which would have been

Sorry, I just saw this! Here you go.

New York doesn’t even allow surrogacy, so even if there was a contract between the gestational mother and the intended parents the gestational mother would be legally entitled to keep the baby. And anyway, not only did I google, I pulled the entire case filing off PACER and there’s nothing in there that explains why

I read the complaint on PACER, but it just says they were ‘required to relinquish custody’ and doesn’t explain why.

I’m really curious to see a legal analysis of this. I’ve practiced family law (but not in NY, where this couple is from) and I would have thought that custody would go to the parent who carried and birthed the babies, but the articles I’ve read have all said that they were required to give the babies to the biological

They ignore me aggressively at the mall-based Sephora nearest me but they fawn over skinny 17-year-old girls. Like, who do they think has the money to buy their products, the fat middle aged lady running errands on a Saturday, or the teenager with a $20/week allowance?

And also there was that time that someone kept taking the batteries out of my mouse and then putting them back incorrectly?

The minifridge is in the lower center of the photo. Dishwasher is lower right.

A lot of places reduce property tax for senior citizens.

OMG it even has a dishwasher! I would buy that studio. 

Right? Let her be a model and party; she can always go back to school in 10 years if she decides she wants to, and with some life experience she’d probably get in without a bribe.

It can help for people with gender-neutral names when someone with the same name is on the no fly list (speaking from experience).

It makes me leave my house every day which is a huge bonus for this introvert.

I live right near Arlington Cemetery and I kind of feel like it’s more like one of the national monuments than a regular cemetery. So long as the stops aren’t near the graves of ordinary soldiers I think it’s fine.

The Ditka story is cute, but either the poster doesn’t know how old her daughter is or, more likely, she misremembers who played in the Superbowl in 2005 (The Eagles and the Patriots - the Bears have only been in the Superbowl twice, once in 1986 when they won and in 2007 when they lost to the Colts). 

I only lasted a year. It sucked.

The prosecutor’s probably a stickler who thinks insurance fraud is Very Serious and he’s being compassionate by letting her participate in a diversion program, without actually using his analytical skills to figure out that not all insurance fraud is equal and that this was a ‘crime’ of necessity and compassion. I

The district attorney where she lives needs to get unelected if they think this prosecution is a good use of their prosecutorial discretion.