
It's Alex Jones

Do you know who Alex Jones is?

Not enough time has passed in-world to see how people really react. Those nutjobs protesting her probably hadn't seen the interview.

Wes was. I was disgusted by the crying kids laying flowers on his memorial.

Get over yourself.

Poets are all crap after say 1900.

No. Yeezus was trash. You are emotionally invested in his public image.

Saul should not be confused with Maurice Levy, who famously accused himself by calling Omar "amoral."

The audience who stays through the credits certainly sees the outcome!

Destined for a destination. That's great writing.

Rape and murder seems a little worse than just murder.

He interacts with everyone as a prisoner. It is becoming tiresome.

In this episode, we saw her from behind. Thankful for SD.

(skipped Todd as usual)
"Don says flippantly to Peggy that he 'doesn’t remember' if he had the perfect TV life they’re trying to sell."
…and Peggy's face is totally blank. She doesn't seem to know about the Hershey breakdown/confession, which is hard to believe.

"if the Bible has taught us anything, it’s that the only way out of Hell is through. You have to die before you can be resurrected."
Um, what?

What a dunce Todd is. The monolith is not a stupid door! It's the computer being touched by primate hands late in the episode.

Believe the hype. This movie is almost on par with "The Killer" and "A Better Tomorrow 2."