
You nailed it. They’re not really even hiding it at this point. What more would you expect from the woman fired from the Times for her moronic and profane voicemail to the Great Lakes Gun Rights org. “I’m a journalist for the Times” lol OK Karen. She’s unwelcome at any real news organization and for some reason the

So I guess with David and Torch leaving, we’re just going to completely give up on stories focusing on vehicles other than “well a bus is kinda involved” then goes full on a political rant. Mercedes, you may want to leave while you can because this isn’t a car site anymore. 


Yeah... those are bad.

No, they were burning cities and killing people.

How is this different from BLM protesters blocking roads last year? This is just on a larger scale. At the time, supporters were saying things like “protests are supposed to cause inconvenience” to make your message heard.

Fuck you, you pile of excrement. This is why everyone hates liberals, who isn’t a liberal. Saying shit like that about all truck drivers while talking about equality out the other side of your mouth. You are a pile of trash who should just disappear into the either. Pretentious fuck.

*Citation desperately needed

You made the same mistake as the other commenter. School bus laws and stops signs are there to protect others. Me getting a Covid vaccine, however, does not protect others because it does not prevent transmission. As a matter of fact studies in both the UK and canada show that most new cases of infection are those

Yeah it would be so great to live an an authoritarian, boot licking world 

blm took over America for an entire summer. They literally took over downtown Seattle and declared it for themselves and no one did anything. wtf are you talking about?

If it was BLM Trudeau would have broken out the Kente cloth and taken a knee with them

THIS IS IN A DIFFERENT FUCKING COUNTRY. This has nothing to do with American conservatives, BLM, the commie terrorists of ANTIFA, or anything else this side of the border. This has to do with a bunch of truckers who don’t want to be forced by the government, to have a shot of some shit that they don’t understand. And

And, if this was Antifa/BLM doing it, liberals would argue their cause is just and people should be inconvenienced. Paybacks a bitch isn’t it.

“It’s in the Constitution!” So was slavery”

Is that all it takes? Then we should totally outlaw all kinds of things.

Wow. Really?

I mean your summation there is pretty much an accurate assessment. I don’t know what the arguments were in other spaces, but the ‘legitimate’ use that was pitched to creators at least, was that NFTs would make it possible for digital art to be as valued as physical art, by making it so an artists work could be unique

Well played

If you’re wealthy enough to “park a car” you’re pretty much asking for it, right?