Mmmmm, Horse!

I think Whispers only knows about Will's background through the information from his organization, as well as through what Will experiences when he visits.

Also Silas Kabaka is also tied to World Health Organization, which is tied to BPO. And Capheus and Silas are now allies.

And the plus is that Will can also go into Whisper's head to see what his operations do. :D

Pretty sure the use of the Holocaust memorial in Berlin is intentional, as there are parallels to the genocide of Sensates through the intolerance and ignorance of homo sapiens. What GPO is doing in the story definitely constitutes genocide.

I love how they used the song "Sæglópur" by Sigur Rós for the ending. The song name literally means "lost at sea", and the characters are all on the boat together… That song made me cry all the time, and this time it definitely did it again.

I guess Gale Boetticher is wrong after all.

Walt doesn't need to steal Jesse's cigarette for the poison. Here's why: