Enrico Palazzo

Good luck with your crusade. This is really important work you’re doing. Be the change you hope for.

Truth in journalism is really only a symptom, not the real main issue. The main issue is that with political reporting nowadays reporters are beholden to the White House - or whichever entity - for access, and they can only maintain that access by playing ball to some extent with whoever can grant or rescind that

No one gives a shit what you think.

Hello...I’m with the Internet Police. Could you please describe the individual who held a gun to your head and made you click on this post and then comment on it?

When some gibberish BS comes out of Trump’s mouth in an interview or in the debate all I want is for the moderator or interviewer to simply ask, “What the hell does that even mean??”

I’m mystified as to how the hell everyone involved in selling the Iraq Invasion hasn’t been tarred, feathered, and have their name become synonymous with feces. WHY DID ANYONE ASK THIS FUCKFACE WHAT HE THOUGHT ABOUT ANYTHING?

What browser are you using that forces you to read every article on every page that you open up? And what happens when someone links you to Wikipedia or (god forbid) TV Tropes? Do you just automatically lose a month of your life?

Honestly, it’s an injustice that people like Ari Fleischer are able to show their faces in public.

A debate moderator is not supposed to inject themselves into the conversation.

I just looked over the Deadspin front page and it doesn’t look like they cover football any more. Sorry.

He even threw in the “both sides do it” just for fun.

I’d really like to believe that you can’t possibly be stupid enough to believe wearing ashes once a year makes your Catholicism as recognizable as living with a skin color every moment of your life. But since you are seriously suggesting that black people should stop whining about racism because being Catholic makes

Bets on how long before Trump claims to never have run for President?

So do the right wingers who believe O was not born in the US now dump Trump for lying and saying he was born in the US? Do they think Trump has been conned and can’t be trusted to tell truth from lies? Or do they trust Trump, and now have to admit they’ve been duped all these years by the birthers, and they

The press has a Trump addiction. They know it’s wrong, they know it’s bad, they know they are harming those who rely and depend on them, but they Just. Can’t. Stop. When he loses the election, there are going to be a lot of reporters and cable news anchors going through some serious Trump withdrawal.

“This morning was absolutely insane. I can’t wait for all of us to forget this ever happened in a few hours.”

Trump doing a tour of his new hotel with just cameras, no reporters.

So, will any reporters call him out on this obvious, blatant lie? Or will they write a mealy mouthed headline like “Clinton, Trump Spar over Birther Issue?”