Is this what people really think when they use Facebook? I just post memes I like and keep in touch with people I haven't talked to in a while, and organize stuff when stuff needs organizing. When other people are posting updates, is this what they're really thinking?
Hey everyone, Apple is making a watch. You might have heard. It's like a normal watch, in that it goes on your wrist…
It's honestly incredible how well they translated this art into the actual game, the environments are the best I've ever seen because it just feels like you're running through concept art. Typically games have this gorgeous and epic art and while the environments are clearly well inspired by it, they rarely ever…
Yup. Everything in one collection on PC. Only thing that makes sense.
From saving a dying king to leading an army of chickens.
I have to say, this is one of the more pleasant videos I've witnessed where people dressed up like Mega Man and Sonic wrestle atop a lone mattress in a basement.
That is interesting. Took a long time for her to get the guts to go through with this. Hopefully Kotaku can keep us updated.
They need to hurry up. With the voices in my head I'm already half way to Newtype.
Wow thanks so much for sharing. You even made a gif! I feel honored :D
Can we pretty please stop talking about Kim Kardashian's awful game!?
But the MAIN MAIN difference between the 2, Kefka did tons more damage that sephiroth EVER did.
Sure Seph killed aerith, ok, and TRIED to destroy the world, (tried being the keyword)
A great deal of the popularity/staying power of this game has to do with the time at which it was released.
I'm going to go out on a limb here (and I may be wrong; please correct me if I am) and say you're not of the generation that was in middle/high school at the time this game was released.
I say this because of the…
I come back to FFVI every couple of years. Whenever I transfer data to a new computer, I make sure that my ZSNES folder makes the trip, and I double check that the FFVI ROM I downloaded in 1998 off of a 56k modem is there. Every time Locke saves Celes; every time Sabin and Edgar flip that coin; every time Terra…
So what's everyone's favorite part of the game? Mine is probably the early raid on the Imperial Magitek facility. I remember an incredible feeling of intensity the first time I played it, especially during the mine-cart escape battles and boss.
Am I the only one that's glad there's no trash talk? Among friends it's fine, but 9 years on Xbox Live has taught me to hate the vast majority of random players.