
agreeee :D
i guess i should learn more :p

looking similar to celica's front side

as Muslim my self, i still can't read dull arabic (we called them arab gundul here in indonesia :p ) because it has no harakat, means some additional sign for reading. it's hard for me to read without any harakat -_-

why everyone keeps comparing Zelda with skyrim -_-

skyrim's battle is too generic, dull and slow paced compared to masterpiece of action adventure. skyrim's art is not great too, simplified fantasy. i only see skyrim's freedom to do anything on those vast sandbox map as great feature. but everyone had their opinions, so it's called diversity, and it's normal

it's remind me to classic animated series centurions

43GB for a (shitty) games :v hell no

my works including game design and building assets, i got $2400 a year for 10 hours of work a day , 5 days a week + free lunch, and have to finish 12 game designs and their assets per year,. i'm living in small city called Malang in Indonesia, you could think those payment isn't too right, but those payment rate are

i envy to all of you guys, in Indonesia, we never see such menu, big M here only had simple standard menu :((((

Chrono Trigger

another advice: The Raid and Berandal, super awesome non stop fighting and action, and you should see Mad Dog's action :D

Thanks for remind me :v


superb design!
cap looks cooler in this form XD

i'm not christian @getintherobotshinji
i'm a Muslim, i dont need to read Qur'an in English :D

kill squall, let anyone level up beside squall, and every bosses just like cakewalk :)))

hmm, i dont follow camel herder words, i only follow my God's. anyway, that's not restriction, why eats something that haram, if we had so much food that halal :D
La kum dinukum waliyadiin my earth brother, may peace be with you

Hmm, i'm not christian, i'm a Muslim
And, in Islam, nearly all meats comes from sea are halal :D

Sodom was destroyed by God's wrath, that's no myth, if we had time machine for all each of us, we will know the truth. and that's because God know it all, Gay and Lesbian spread like virus, they contained like cancer in community. even most of animal don't do such thing ... i'm not here for bashing... i usually

i'm living in place where shrimp head are yummy little food. local shrimp are small, it just finger sized food, so we clean them first with fresh water then fry them to crisp full body, crispy yet soft inside, mmmm ( =p=)b