I have been fascinated by the Titanic disaster sine I was eight, and yet it is odd to think that the only reason we recall the Titanic today is the ‘myth’ that has grown around her name. She wasn’t the first passenger ship to sink on her maiden voyage. She was, at the time, the largest ship afloat, but had she

Besides having a name celebrities would kill to give their kids, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, was just awesome.

female Thanos.

shouldn't that be Gal-lactus?

When I bought my 01 SVT a few years ago, there were a few interior bits missing. This is one of the places I got a few of the replacements from. But these places are both a blessing and a bane for pony owners. Mustangs almost never end up at the local yard. They always end up in 'specialty yards'

Think of it as an 'organ donor' program. These ponies give something of themselves so that other ponies may continue to roam.

Considering after finishing the first video I wanted to throw up, I am thinking that might not be a problem. The program is insane!

Now playing

re: Jason Biggs. I always appreciate when actors embrace that one scene that forever defines them. Video has some NSFW language.

What about us non-coffee drinkers? Guess I'll just stick with the 'Insanity' workout. Just started it today and the name is spot on...

If not not for the hair and 'stache, you would almost believe Eugen Sandow was a statue. And it looks so much more real than the insane stuff we see today.

Good thing I signed up for twitter on a lark, or I would have been screwed as I don't have a Google or Facebook account.

well damn... there goes the insurance premium this year...

I've known since 1996 it wasn't a sailboat... amazing what you can do with a 'pause' feature...

Would like more details, this seems all kinds of BS, but I have no idea what the law on replicars are in the EU.


I love Howard the Duck (the comic version)... I own Howard the Duck on DVD, but for a very different reason... a young Lea Thompson in just her underwear! But I am glad to see, when it comes to 'the worst', me and most io9ers agree.

Not going to jump into if it is/isn't racist, as it never entered my mind. However, it is pronounced Boy-See. So, I would thinks a phrase like 'Boys see, I da ho' would make more sense than 'Boy I Easy'

Catwoman needs a mask/goggles/ or somethin, otherwise I give them four fingers...

I did read the article. You obviously missed the 'in jest' hashtag...

I have no idea what the actual code looks like. I have several books with the code inside, but have never peeled any of them open. I assume it is a long alphanumeric thing and is on the part that adheres to the comic and not the part you peel off so you would have to write it down. I don't know of any shop that