This is based of what I remember files sizes being a couple years ago. Obviously there are standards in compression rates and what not, so it could easily take more I guess...
This is based of what I remember files sizes being a couple years ago. Obviously there are standards in compression rates and what not, so it could easily take more I guess...
The code is at the back of the issue inside one of the 'coupon inside' sticker booklets that come on the outside of most retail products. So you have to open and 'deface' your comic to get the code.
ha! BluRay! it would take fewer discs, but video quality would be the same.
"But is Dark Shadows any good? I know that Prisoner-show ain't"
214.5GB if my maths is correct assume average 175MB for 22 minutes
FUDGE! That is a HUGE savings over buying the sets as they are now. But only 2500 copies? And $600. Damn... there is $ on the credit card... oh the dilemma!
Only one car really meets the requirements of this for me... McLaren F1. The rest would likely qualify, but the odds of them being sold are essentially nonexistent.
There is a guy here in town with a 1936 Convertible Phaeton Sedan that is his summer driver. Not a beauty queen either, it has age and patina. And the mother is still an eye catcher!
I enjoyed it as a kid, but even then I knew that a kid traveling with and adult, setting historical event right seemed a tad absurd. Seriously, his job is to fix history and he is an 'idiot', and needs a kid with a serious nut for history to help him?
Own it and all four movies on DVD...
Me too. Look, I get he has Native ancestry, that doesn't mean he looks the part. I am Niimíipu on my mother's side and Anishinaabeg on my father's side. Each is about two generation removed. If you were to take a pic of me among a group of indigenous person and show it to some one, they would likely ask (depending…
Not all that broken up with this. I mean, it had potential, there were plenty of seeds. But it was for network TV and had a unrealistic budget for a weekly tv show.
"You've never driven an old big-block Mustang, have you?"
I can honestly say I don't have a FB acct. Parents, brother, sister, cousins, nieces, nephews, heck, even my GRANDMOTHER! has one. Met a girl recently, sorta hit it off and she asked my for my FB info so we could chat online, and I said I didn't have one. The look she gave me seemed like I had said something akin…
and the worst part was that it was him being killed off in what I felt was a crappy way.
The cops were not 'in his pocket', they all worked for 'The Mayor'...
Chief of Police: I need to say something to the media people.
DUDE! It was called Beaver Creek! We had 'satellite tv' back when the dish was bigger than a VW beetle, and one of the things I loved about it was getting shows 4-7 days before they aired (pre-feeds so stations could edit in commercials and stuff) if you knew which feed to align the dish with. But we also got the…
And what was the name of the Beaver Creek porno filmed using the Beaver Creek set?
As I said, it is not really your fault, the problem is the look of the 9th. You take anyone else and remove them from this event and drop them into another con and it would be obvious they were dressed as the Doctor. However, if you were to go to say Dragon*Con or SDCC, how many times do you think you would have to…