Kinda sad that just by reading the headline I knew that it would be 'the gays fault' before reading the article. Why do people continue to support Card and his bigoted ideas.
Kinda sad that just by reading the headline I knew that it would be 'the gays fault' before reading the article. Why do people continue to support Card and his bigoted ideas.
A villain of pure evil, with skin that's surprisingly pleasant to the touch. And he can sing? Need to make sure the DVR is set for this.
I actually picked up the exhaust to one of those on eBay a few years back for my X
That was what I was thinking. So much history. In her life time planes have barely traveled a football field to being able to circle the world without refueling. The examples are endless, it is just so amazing to think what that must be like.
It is staggering to think she is older than/alive when/lived through...
nope, you are not alone, it got my vote as well. Plus, all 65 episodes are now legally available on DVD!
Spins a web, any size,
Okay, this sucks, not the list itself, but the sheer amount of awesome that is on it. And it sucks cause we only get four, FOUR! votes. For those old enough to recall a time when Saturday rolled around and EVERY, yes every, channel had cartoons from like 6am to noon. For those of us lucky enough to have the USA…
People really need to read article better - "We're putting together the ultimate science fiction (and fantasy) playlist" (emphasis mine.)
Ugh... looks like it is time to dig the credit card out of the safe. This and Brandenburg Gate are both out now...
"But even newer US-Spec are capable of full auto (redacted)"
It is not illegal to own a full auto weapon. Provided
Nope, still goin' with dumbass. You said it must be capable of full auto fire to be an assault rifle. Now, you could have clarified it by claiming a US-Spec AK is not an assault rifle, but the AK-47 unmodified for the US market is an assault rifle. You made a blanket statement based on no visible information. You…
An AK-47 is able to fire full auto dumbass.