Glad someone got the joke...
Glad someone got the joke...
Wha?! Legend? So, are we talkin' a steampunk MacGyver? 'Cause I would love to a steampunk MacGyver.
Started with four, rented S1-S3 while watching S4 and stayed. The last season was way to 'emotional' for me, but I still enjoyed it, just not as much as the earlier ones.
So, should I be wary of the Ferrari 308 GTSi I saw for 5k?
All Moffat 'really said' was that it was a 'reduction was absurd' and that it was just 'going to air later than normal'. So it is likely that we will only have 7 episodes in 2012, but they will air in say, September, run for seven eight weeks with a 'short break' until the the X-Mas Special, then the remainder in…
Not really. If this is true, then we will likely not get many answers to the myriad of plots from the last two-three years. 4/6 episode as stand alone leaves them two episodes to address many unanswered questions. I just don't think you can wrap up all that in two episodes. And the fact that we are likely only…
Yes to all of these, and I would like to add 'Stand Alone Episodes'. Really love connected season long plots, but give us the occasional episode that has nothing to do with anything else that season. Have them end up on a planet of candy to stop a caramel volcano from melting a town. WHY? 'Cause Sexy wanted to…
I know that when it comes to FOX, I don't even bother watching. The one exception is Bones, and that is only a recent(ish) thing. My mother watched the show, and when she moved out of state, she knew that she would miss the launch of the new season (4th) and asked me to record it. So I pulled out the ol' VCR and…
It stands for a seven letter word that starts with 'A', but it ain't America...
Nope, but that wasn't really UMU Cap. The Cap that we have always seen in the UMU would have been , "He was a kid. He was out of his league. Spit happens lady."
What Huh? In the UK, Being Human has had three series.
Three for me... once as a Sophomore, twice as a Junior.
Even though he looks like the Ultimate Universe Cap, at least he doesn't act like him. To me, the UMU Cap is the perfect example of why the rest of the world hates America(ns). The original Cap represented the American Idea, of changing the world by standing up for what is right. The UMU Cap is more 'You don't…
I live two hours from there, but $500 for two nights... WTF?!
Didn't feel it here in ol Zoo Town, but we reportedly get 'mini quakes' regularly. According to the map, it registered here, so I guess I just wasn't payin attention, too busy watchin the mountain behind my home burning.
I know a guy who is very much a X-Files type. He sounds alot like Carlin ala Fillmore in Cars. "It's all a conspiracy MAN!" He once told me that the tonsels and appendix were proof of alien ancestry and that is why people get them removed. It is all part of a conspiracy to cover up the truth. When I told him I…
I love the previews for that show. 'This ancient art looks like a man holding an AK-47. The only possible explanation... ALIENS!' I have never watched the show, as the previews always look ridiculous, so I am not sure if that is how an actual episode goes.
there was no voice over that I can recall