'Your reaction is typical for anyone seeing a classic movie 25+ years after it was released.'

let me get this straight, it takes away you sense of fear, makes you sexually attracted to someone you might normally run from and you get taken down by a pussy... I believe that it is called beer not Toxoplasma...

You mean that is not an image of Sarah Palin in high school?

Nope. He kept asking me why Indiana Jones was chasing robots around and where the heck was Chewie. Our tastes are vastly different. He is more the MTV Made, reality tv, drama films with 'hot chicks' type of guy.

It was, I believe, the Final Cut? That is the same as the 25th Ann. edition correct?

But how would you answer the Reason For Leaving question.

I don't get it? He is for team Leonard. There is no Leonard involved.... :-P

01 - the number I plan to see in theatre.

Having just watched Bladerunner (the special ultimate gotta-have-it-all edition) I don't get why there needs to be a new ( )quel. Hell, I don't get what was so great about the original. I had seen it once as a kid, but it was just a movie. Back in March, during the 'Madness' all the comments talked about how

The southern United States includes Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and Southern California. 'The South' (with a capital 'S') usually implies the states in the lower right side of the US map.

Lake Havasu, CA is in the southern United States. Not the 'South', but it is in the southern part of the country. There are documented cases ranging from South Caroline down the coast and across to Texas and Arizona. So the article should probably clarify that it not just a problem in 'The South'

I am not sure if I should be proud or ashamed that I have seen all of these at one point in my youth. Having a mother that managed a video store gave me to access to so much 'wrong'. I do love that at eight-ten years old I could watch films like Conquest, Revenge of the Nerds, Zapped and see *regresses to a young

'new' word? Okay. Either I grew up in the wrong crowd or you in a sheltered one. Nutslinger has been in my vocab since I was eight or so...

"Rare is the man that can maintain his virility while wearing a ponytail, thigh-high boots and a nutslinger." - Mike Myers at the AFI lifetime achievement award for Sir Sean Connery.

Yeah, Codex is done for now. Jim has hinted that if he were to do more, it would be in a different time period. He said he needed to focus, that two series a year was starting to have an affect on his personal life.

I highly doubt that were talking about UK-centric stories by existing authors. And Codex Alera is finished there are no new books currently planned in that universe.

Freakin' poser! Freakin' kids always trying to steal granddad's thunder. And... FYI the AC-130U is known as 'Spooky II'

I am really curious to see how they address the fact that the Doctor will confront a man responsible for the deaths of so many, and can likely do nothing. Hitler is likely one of those 'fixed point' in time.

The ones with yellow dots and black stripes taste like lemon sorbet. But the ones with orange dots and black stripes... you might as well have someone crap directly in your mouth. Or so the bird in the tree outside my window claims...